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But the nose, the poor nose, which puts itself forward above all other parts, which distinguishes us unhappy men from all brutes, in whom mouth and snout meet in such friendly union, and which in man is made, like the Hocken and the Blocksberg, the place for all witches and evil spirits to hold their revels: is it not in most men, merely on account of the cold air and a catarrh, turned into a cave of Æolus, and hauled, pulled, stretched and touzled, till it becomes a sounding horn and a battle-trumpet?

Even at the first instant I was struck by her eyes and the mass of bronze hair and the twitching of a childish mouth. But she had an untidy, touzled, raffish appearance, due to I knew not what investiture of disrepute. Her hands for she wore no gloves wanted washing. "What a young girl like yourself must not do," said I, "is to enter into conversation with men in public places."

'But did you propose to her? Did she understand what you said to her? Did she deliberately and seriously say "Yes?" 'Yes, yes, yes, and his disordered jabot and touzled hair echoed the fatal word. 'O Smintheus of the silver bow! I groaned. 'It is the woman's part to create delusions, and destroy them! To think of it! after all that has passed between us these these three weeks, next Monday!

Upon my word, I don't believe I ever missed a single football game you played in. In fact, I almost learned to understand the game on your account. You see it was so good to watch you raging about with touzled hair, like the only original bull of Bashan, and the others tumbling like ninepins. It used to make me quite inordinately proud." The colonel smoked.

Wall, I tussled along and got dinner ready. The tin peddler had to stay to dinner, of course. I couldn't turn him out jest at dinner time. And sometimes I almost think that he delayed matters and touzled 'round amongst them rags jest a purpose to belate himself, so he would have to stay to dinner. I am called a good cook. It is known 'way out beyend Loontown and Zoar it is talked about, I spoze.

The pulse of London beat round her while she stretched herself on the hard sofa, let down her touzled yellow hair, and frowned slowly as the unlearned do when they know that they want to meditate. Now and then she rose suddenly on her elbow, half turned her head towards the window and listened. She had thought she heard a step on the pavement pause, and the cry of the little iron gate.

Aud sae, after they bad touzled out mony a leather poke-full o' papers, the town-clerk had his drap punch at e'en to wash the dust out of his throat we never were glass-breakers in this house, Mr. He thought, Mr.

Now, as he stood hesitating, he heard a voice that called his name softly, and, glancing round and up, espied Natty Bell, bare of neck and touzled of head, who leaned far out from the casement of his bedchamber above. "Ah, Barnabas, lad!" said he with a nod "So you're going to leave us, then?" "Yes!" said Barnabas.

I was speaking of your looks then, and of your ways now. You used to be so rough to me, and so masterful, and would have your own way, like the little man that you were. I can see you now with your touzled brown hair and your mischievous eyes. And now you are so gentle and quiet and soft-spoken." "One learns to behave," says I. "Ah, but, Jack, I liked you so much better as you were!"

But, it happened to me the other night to be lying: not with my eyes half closed, but with my eyes wide open; not with my nightcap drawn almost down to my nose, for on sanitary principles I never wear a nightcap: but with my hair pitchforked and touzled all over the pillow; not just falling asleep by any means, but glaringly, persistently, and obstinately, broad awake.