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I trust it is not causing you any severe pain?" "Pray don't waste any time or thought on any injury of mine, sir!" the woman returned. "Very well, madam! Resume your disguise!" She tried to sweep up her magnificent hair and secure it upon her head. But with only one hand available this proved impossible. They both saw there was no way for her to put on the toupee again.

"I have the honor to present to you the Marquise de T ," he said to me. I made a low bow to a lady whose face was pale and wrinkled; her forehead was surmounted by a toupee, whose flattened ringlets, ranged around it, deceived no one, but only emphasized, instead of concealing, the wrinkles by which it was deeply furrowed.

The mustache and imperial were carefully waxed as always, day and night. On the little feet were high-heeled slippers. On the head was a rose-silk Neapolitan nightcap with gay tassel. The nightcap hid the bald spot from which the lofty toupee had been removed. A grotesque little figure, but not grotesque to her.

As he stalked about the small parlor, brushing the ceiling with his toupee, the girls whispered to each other, with mingled admiration and horror, that he was the favored lover of his august mistress; that he had borne the chief part in the revolution to which she owed her throne; and that his huge hands, now glittering with diamond rings, had given the last squeeze to the windpipe of her unfortunate husband.

What if, after he lost interest, she should find herself without money, worse of than she had been when she sold herself into slavery highly moral and conventionally correct slavery, but still slavery to the little general with the peaked pink-silk nightcap hiding the absence of the removed toupee and with the wonderful pink-silk pajamas, gorgeously monogramed in violet and the tiny feet and ugly hands and those loathsome needle-pointed mustaches and the hideous habit of mumbling his tongue and smacking his lips?

"A while ago she was dodging the perfectly careless compliments of old Tommy and trying not to see that his toupee was on crooked; and now she's down toward the ravine some place, watching young Cecil stumble. You could make yourself a very solid Johnny by trotting right down there and breaking up the party." "I think I'd rather have a messenger for that," calculated Johnny.

She had been a housemaid for some years in the house in Grosvenor Street, and Pamela, when her own most superior maid flatly refused to accompany her on this expedition, had asked Mawson to be her maid, and Mawson had gladly accepted the offer. She was a middle-aged woman with a small brown face, an obvious toupée, and an adventurous spirit.

The effect was rhythmic but grotesque, much as if Ben thought he was turkey-trotting. Otherwise, too, Ben was unlovely. His feet were by no means dainty, his coat was a dirty looking dappled-white, and his mane so attenuated it needed a toupee. As if appreciating his defects, Ben wore an apologetic, almost timid, expression of countenance, which greatly belied his true stubbornness of character.

But why dost thou talk of Damon? Look on me. Behold this purple coat, and fine toupèe. Think on my estate, and think on my title." But at this moment the oratory of his lordship ceased to be heard.

And Esther had hardly time to weigh her defeat, for callers came. They began early and continued through the afternoon, and they all asked for Madame Beattie. It was a hot day and Madame Beattie, without her toupée and with iced eau sucrée beside her, was absorbedly reading.