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Why, look at the coffin this skull belongs to, 'tid go into powdher between your fingers; 'tis nothin' but tindher. 'I believe you're right, Mr. Mattocks. 'Phiat! to be sure. 'Tis longer undher ground by thirty years, good, or more maybe.

An' begorra I'd be afeared to tell ye, because you would not believe me, since that blessid man Father Mathew put an end to all soorts of sociality, the Lord reward him, how many gallons iv pottieen whisky was dhrank upon that most solemn and tindher occasion.

"Come, let us hear it." "I'll tell you some day, but not now, not now but I will tell you an' I'll let you know the raison thin that I don't mintion it now; in the mane time I'll sit down an take a smoke." "A smoke! why, I never knew you smoked." "Nor I, myself, till last night. This tindher box I was made a present of to light my pipe, when not near a coal.

Sure, when a little spark got on it out o' me pipe it burnt up the same as if it was tindher." As she spoke she drew her stool up to the table; she was unusually loquacious and sensible that day. The potations in which she, in common with the other members of Roseen's establishment at Monavoe, had indulged having apparently at once loosened her tongue and brightened her wits.

It's he that knew how to handle a spade and a raping-hook, and what was betther nor all that, he was kind and tindher to his poor ould mother, and would let her want for nothing.

"Wait till we see the profits first, Ellish crockery's very tindher goods." "Ay! just wait, an'I'll engage I'll turn the penny. The family's risin' wid us." "Very thrue," replied Peter, giving a sly wink at the wife "no doubt of it." " Kisin' wid us I tell you to have sinse, Pether; an' it's our duty to have something for the crathurs when they grow up."

The docthor wasn't home, but the missis saw him, an' her heart was dhat tindher that she hurried out and throwed boords down for dhe poor little baste to stand on, an' let down a hoe on a sthring, an' whin she got dhe poor little dhing out, she was dhat faint that she dhrapped on dhe grass. An' it cost Mr. Lawrence nigh onto thirty dollars to have dhe docthor's well claned out."

The girl that we rared up as tindher as a chicking, to go to throw herself away upon the son of ould Fardorougha Donovan, the misert! Confusion to the ring ever he'll put an her! "I agree with you in that, Bridget," said the husband; "if it was only to punish her thrachery and desate, I'll take good care a ring will never go on them; but how do you know all this, John?"

I used to think that Hinnery would niver die contint till he'd took th' Prince iv Wales be th' hair iv th' head, an' 'tis little th' poor man's got, an' dhrag him fr'm th' tower iv London to Kilmainham Jail, an' hand him over to th' tindher mercies, as Hogan says, iv Michael Davitt. Thim was th' days whin ye'd hear Hinnery in th' Sinit, spreadin' fear to th' hear-rts iv th' British aristocracy.

Afther all, maybe, you wouldn't see him sure the nabors will help us, if you could only humble yourself to ax them!" "Kathleen," said Owen, "when this is past you'll be glad I went indeed you will; sure it's only the tindher feelin' of your hearts, darlins. Who knows what the landlord may do when I see himself, and show him these resates every penny paid him by our own family.