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"So, then, the machine moves back and forth, while upon it, on a square frame, is stretched a thin canvas, and really, I don't know how it's contrived, I didn't grasp it; only the miss guides some metallic thingamajig over the screen, and there comes out a fine drawing in vari-coloured silks.

For dogs, you know." Sally nodded. "Oh, a thingamajig for dogs? Now I understand. You will put things so obscurely at first. Ginger, you poor fish, what are you raving about? What on earth is a thingamajig for dogs?" "I mean a sort of place like fellows have. Breeding dogs, you know, and selling them and winning prizes and all that. There are lots of them about." "Oh, a kennels?"

"You see," he said, "I never sent you one when you were married, and I'd like to send you a double one now, for yourselves and for us. You send me word what it is you most need for the hospital, an X-ray outfit, or a sterilizer, or a thingamajig for making cultures, microscope included, and Jeannette and I will see that you get it.

Now part it, and catch up these strands loosely so. I must find a ribbon for a bow. What color would you suggest, Amarilly?" "Brown." "Bravo, Amarilly. If you had said blue, I should have lost all faith in your future upcoming. Here are two most beautiful brown bows on this thingamajig some one gave me last Christmas, and whose claim on creation I never discovered.

"Yes, a kennels." "What a weird mind you have, Ginger. You couldn't say kennels at first, could you? That wouldn't have made it difficult enough. I suppose, if anyone asked you where you had your lunch, you would say, 'Oh, at a thingamajig for mutton chops'... Ginger, my lad, there is something in this.

Isn't there anything in the world that you can do that's solid and substantial and will keep you out of the poor-house in your old age? Think!" "Of course, if I had a bit of capital..." "Ah! The business man! And what," inquired Sally, "would you do, Mr. Morgan, if you had a bit of capital?" "Run a dog-thingummy," said Ginger promptly. "What's a dog-thingummy?" "Why, a thingamajig.

"Poor old Charlie!" he laughed. "By Jove, Madge, I jolly well hoisted him with his own thingamajig!" She regarded him stonily. "And what of the business you went to see him about?" "Did I say I was going to see him on business?" "You did!" "Oh, no, no, my dear girl; you must have misunderstood me.

"For the Lord sakes, Mother, don't keep sayin' 'The boy, 'the boy, over and over again like a talkin' machine! Let me finish about the father first. This Weis er thingamajig the lawyer, had quite a talk with Speranza afore he died, or while he was dyin'; he only lived a few hours after the accident and was out of his head part of that.

"You don't know, but we're all entitled to guess, hey?... Humph!" "If this person is living," began Sylvester, "it follows that " "Hold on a minute! I don't know much about corporations, of course that's more in your line than 'tis in mine but I want to ask one question. You say this what-d'ye-call-it this Akrae thingamajig was sold out, hull, canvas and riggin', to a crowd in Brazil?

"Who's finding fault or making fun?" he asked, in tones that seemed to be pained. "Now I think I'd better read you some verses. I don't know just where to begin." "Something about that Urim and Thingamajig," he suggested. "Urim and Thummim," she corrected "now listen."