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Does not the Prior act? Does he not send for a posse of constables or thief-takers to handcuff the villain, or take him either to Bedlam or Newgate? Accordingly in the very next scene, we have this tragic Macheath, with his whole gang, in the Castle of St. "When their drenched hold forsook both gold and gear, They griped their daggers with a murderer's instinct;"

"The men belong to a fellowship that is called the Company of the Cockleshells, and babble a cant of their own that baffles the thief-takers. If your majesty " but here a warning kick from Louis made him wince and change his words-"if you wished to savour rascality these are your blades. The women are trulls.

"Not so," answered the knight; "as I propose to travel all times, and in all places, mine armour may guard me against the attempts of treachery; it may defend me in combat against odds, should I be assaulted by a multitude, or have occasion to bring malefactors to justice." "What, then," exclaimed the philosopher, "you intend to co-operate with the honourable fraternity of thief-takers?"

"I am quite aware of that," said he. "But he is never admitted into her house." "How do you know?" "He is under constant surveillance." "Spies?" "No. Thief-takers. All from Scotland Yard." "And love brings men down to this. What is it for?" "When I am sure of your co-operation, I will let you know my hopes." "He doubts my friendship," said Rhoda sorrowfully. "No; only your discretion."

As it had been pretty generally rumoured that Sir John was proscribed by the rioters, a body of thief-takers had been keeping watch in the house all night. To one of them Mr Haredale stated his business, which appearing to the man of sufficient moment to warrant his arousing the justice, procured him an immediate audience.

Next, in a thicket beset by thief-takers, from whom he escapes after prodigies of valour, aided by the comic servant, and thereafter guided by that singular domestic to a place of safety, which turns out to be the young lady's bedroom. Here Jim becomes much excited, fancying himself for the moment a booted hero, rings, laced-coat, Steinkirk handkerchief, and all.

Soon after that, many a story of burglary, robbery, swindling, petty larceny, and every conceivable crime, was related for the amusement of the circle; and the plots and counterplots of thieves and thief-takers raised the wonder of the peasants. Larry Hogan was especially delighted; more particularly when some trick of either villany or cunning came out.

Men skilled in the military tactics of civilised nations have been amazed at the far-sightedness and penetration which a Mohawk displays in concerting his stratagems, or in discerning those of his enemies. In England, no class possesses so much of that peculiar ability which is required for constructing ingenious schemes, and for obviating remote difficulties, as the thieves and the thief-takers.

Below these is the face of one whom the thief-takers think lightly of, and call a man of "no account." Yet he is a man of far better powers than either of the "first-rates," has more thought and equal energy, a mind seldom or never at rest, is one to make new combinations and follow them to results with an ardor almost enthusiastic.

But the thief-takers have Claude Duval by the throat at last; and there is a scene in court, where the young lady perjures herself unhesitatingly, and faints once more in the prisoner's arms. In vain. Claude Duval is sworn to, found guilty, condemned; and the stage is darkened for a grand finale.