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He wept with feminine fluency, nor did his tearfulness seem out of character. There was a great deal of the woman in him. Having wept his fill, he tenderly wiped his eyes, and returned the picture to its receptacle; and first assuring himself that nothing else was concealed in the haversack, he shut it up and resumed his meditations. It was the son, then, whom he had met, and Thor was dead.

She has nervous dyspepsia, which they say is ruinous to dispositions, and Miss Bray's isn't the kind for any sort of sickness to be free with. It certainly is making her queer, for she's changed from sharpness to tearfulness, and she weeps any time. A thing I never thought I'd live to see. Poor creature, I feel real sorry for her. Miss Jones says she's worn out, but I don't believe it's that.

Ay, step by step, nation by nation, year by year, the Lord shall conquer; for He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. . . . He has promised to take away the sins of the world, and He is God, and cannot lie. National Sermons. My heart is disquieted within me. Tearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and an horrible dread hath overwhelmed me. Ps. lv. 4.

"What are you lookin' for?" he inquired, with a trace of anxiety in his voice, as the mate rose from the locker, and, raising the lid, began groping for something in the depths. "Bit o' rope," was the reply. "Well, what did yer ask me for?" said Henry with hasty tearfulness. "It's the truth. 'E won't do nothin'; 'e never does only stares."

She essayed to speak, but Jim, strangely enough, found the readier tongue then. 'Why did I do it, you would ask, he said. 'I cannot tell. Do you forgive my deception? O Margery you are my Margery still! But how could you trust yourself in the Baron's hands this afternoon, without knowing him better? 'He said I was to come, and I went, she said, as well as she could for tearfulness.

All is yours except what will be buried with her." Ellen was awed and pained very much. Not because the words and manner were sad and solemn; it was the tone that distressed her. There was no tearfulness in it; it trembled a little; it seemed to come indeed from a withered heart. She shook with the effort she made to control herself. John asked her presently what she had come for.

Thus, the old gentleman was useful to Sally, during several days, as an explanation of her tearfulness. She felt thankful to him for the shelter he was affording her, but often said to herself, "It's a shame to let him see in my cryings a reproach as if he could ever do anything that could make me reproach him!

They had always spoken of Esther as Esther, among themselves, quite familiarly, but now Lydia felt she would die rather than mention her name. "She is a hateful woman," said Lydia, "perfectly hateful." "But what did you go for?" Anne asked, in a gentle perplexity. "To find out," said Lydia, in a savage tearfulness, "what she means to do." "And what does she?" "Nothing."

If I am to do anything for this stuck-up peacock, Lady Fareham must give me the order. I am no servant of Madame Kirkland." Alone in the garden, the sisters embraced again, Lady Fareham with a fretful tearfulness, as of one whose over strung nerves were on the verge of hysteria. "There is something that preys upon your spirits, dearest," Angela said interrogatively. "Something! A hundred things.

Felix told his story, feeling it too much not to make it lame, and with the tearfulness trembling in his voice and eyes all the time. 'Our little gamin has the most of the good Samaritan in him, said Mr. Audley. ''Tis not quite the end I should have begun at, but perhaps it may work the better. 'Dear little boy, that he should have remembered that sermon! exclaimed Wilmet.