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It is said that his mother taught him to read before he was five years old; and he attended several terms in the little low-roofed log schoolhouse in the Waxhaw settlement. But his formal instruction never took him beyond the fundamentals of reading, writing, geography, grammar, and "casting accounts." He was neither studious nor teachable.

When I had put an end to these long discources, his majesty, in a sixth audience, consulting his notes, proposed many doubts, queries, and objections, upon every article. He asked, “What methods were used to cultivate the minds and bodies of our young nobility, and in what kind of business they commonly spent the first and teachable parts of their lives?

She was so far right, in that her daughter could not change her mind on the strength of mere dogmatic assertion, even although she was a pliant and teachable little creature.

They are ignorant and somewhat indolent, but are gentle, quick of wit, and teachable. Though cruel to their animals, they are kind to their children. There are many beautiful girls in the lower classes as well as in the upper, and these we see on the streets and in the market places. Many of them use long scarlet shawls and wear black satin slippers on their bare, pretty little feet.

Finally, the matter became an affair of State, and the king appointed a commission to sit, at Issy, upon her orthodoxy Bossuet, De Noailles, and Tronson. The two latter were charmed with her mild and teachable spirit.

Peter had learnt; because he had kept his eyes and his ears open, and his heart ready and teachable, that he might see God's truth when it should please God to show it him; and God did show it him: and taught him something which his own eyes and ears could not teach him; which all his thinking could not have taught him; which no man could have taught him; flesh and blood could not reveal to him that Jesus was the Son of God; flesh and blood could not draw aside the veil of flesh and blood, and make him see in that poor man of Nazareth, who was called the carpenter's son, the only- begotten of the Father, God made man.

Miss Gwynne had helped her temporally, Rowland spiritually, and when she had died, about a year ago, he had strong hopes that much suffering had brought forth a sincere repentance. Her little girl was one of the many examples of the blessed effects of a ragged school. At her mother's death she was fifteen years old, teachable and anxious to be taught.

Joan was seated on a footstool before the fire in front of Mrs. Denton's chair. "It's the thing that gives me greatest hope," she continued. "The childishness of men and women. It means that the world is still young, still teachable." "But they're so slow at their lessons," grumbled Joan.

What a blessing it is that, when we take up our Bibles in a humble and teachable spirit, we can say, `Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. But we are come upon strange times indeed, when professed teachers of the Christian religion can propound to us `a gospel without an atonement, a Bible without inspiration, and an ignorant Christ. Well, Thomas, shall we come into my study?

This is what the physician tries to do by his drugs; this is what the Sophist tries to do by his words. Virtue then is teachable in so far as it is possible to persuade a boy or a man by rhetoric that that course of conduct which pleases others is a pleasant course for him.