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In the meantime the youngest Miss Pecksniff brought from the kitchen a smoking dish of ham and eggs, and, setting the same before her father, took up her station on a low stool at his feet; thereby bringing her eyes on a level with the teaboard.

You are not going out, I hope?" "No; I am going to play backgammon with you, if you like," said the Doctor. "I don't think I do like, if I may speak my mind. I am not fit to be pitted against you to-night. Is the teaboard still there, Lucie? I can't see." "Of course, it has been kept for you." "Thank ye, my dear. The precious child is safe in bed?" "And sleeping soundly."

She continued to sidle at Mr Chuffey with looks of sharp hostility, and to defy him with many other ironical remarks, uttered in that low key which commonly denotes suppressed indignation; until the entrance of the teaboard, and a request from Mrs Jonas that she would make tea at a side-table for the party that had unexpectedly assembled, restored her to herself.

Berry added, that she was not a "luggage-woman." "There used to be a train at seven o'clock," Austin remarked, consulting his watch. The two women were silent. "Could you get ready to come with me to Raynham in ten minutes?" Austin looked as if he had asked a commonplace question. Lucy's lips parted to speak. She could not answer. Loud rattled the teaboard to Mrs. Berry's dropping hands.

Berry added, that she was not a "luggage-woman" "There used to be a train at seven o'clock," Austin remarked, consulting his watch. The two women were silent. "Could you get ready to come with me to Raynham in ten minutes?" Austin looked as if he had asked a commonplace question. Lucy's lips parted to speak. She could not answer. Loud rattled the teaboard to Mrs. Berry's dropping hands.

With this laconic threat, which he accompanied with a snarl that gave him the appearance of being particularly in earnest, Mr Quilp bade her clear the teaboard away, and bring the rum.

The word was appropriate to the moment. My mother was so much worse that Peggotty, coming in with the teaboard and candles, and seeing at a glance how ill she was, as Miss Betsey might have done sooner if there had been light enough, conveyed her upstairs to her own room with all speed; and immediately dispatched Ham Peggotty, her nephew, who had been for some days past secreted in the house, unknown to my mother, as a special messenger in case of emergency, to fetch the nurse and doctor.