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On the whole, when I see one of those fine creatures sailing along, in her taudry robes of silk and gauze, frilled, and flounced, and furbelowed, with her false locks, her false jewels, her paint, her patches, and perfumes; I cannot help looking upon her as the vilest piece of sophistication that art ever produced.

Consequently, it was no doubt with a sense of positive relief to his feelings that Smollett could bring himself to sum up the whole matter thus. "A Frenchman lays out his whole revenue upon taudry suits of cloaths, or in furnishing a magnificent repas of fifty or a hundred dishes, one-half of which are not eatable or intended to be eaten.

Car. What aukard, fond, conceited thing art thou? Veil her, and take the taudry Creature hence. Guil. Fran. How! refuse my Daughter too! I see the Lot of a Cuckold will fall to my share. Guz. Car. Hah! what do I see, by Mahomet, she's fair. Fran. So, so, she's condemn'd; oh, damn'd Mahometan Cannibal! will nothing but raw flesh serve his turn. Car. I'll see no more, here I have fix'd my heart.

They very seldom use feather-beds; but they lie upon a paillasse, or bag of straw, over which are laid two, and sometimes three mattrasses. Their testers are high and old-fashioned, and their curtains generally of thin bays, red, or green, laced with taudry yellow, in imitation of gold.