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Talisain and bulik are distinguishing terms in the vernacular for fighting-cocks, tari and sasabungin the Tagalog terms for "gaff" and "game-cock," respectively. The Tagalog terminology of the cockpit and monkish Latin certainly make a fearful and wonderful mixture nor did the author have to resort to his imagination to get samples of it. Tr. This is Quiroga's pronunciation of Christo. Tr.

"Mauri i te popoi a ee i te au marere i hiti tovau. Ia tari a oe. Tari a rutu mai i hea? A rutu mai i toerau i hitia! O te au marere i hiti atu a Vaua a ratu i reira A rutu i toerau roa! Areare te hai o Nu'u-hiva roa. I te are e huti te tai a Vavea." "The spirit of the morning rides the flying vapor that rises salt from the sea. Bear on! Bear on! And strike where? Strike to the northeast!

"Still they come!" exclaimed Laxdale, as a knock sounded on the jalousie of the cabin door. "Come in." It was Tari Barl in search of his master. "Tarry Barrel, you old sinner," said Wilmshurst, "can you catch a rat?" "Me lib for find Mutton Chop, sah," replied the Haussa saluting. "Find him one time and come quick."

I hazard the guess that the Vehinehae are the hungry spirits of the dead, continuing their life's business of the cannibal ambuscade, and lying everywhere unseen, and eager to devour the living. Another superstition I picked up through the troubled medium of Tari Coffin's English. So far this is clear enough.

Even the savage who simply says, "Here, Tari, I have brought you something to eat," or, still more curtly, "This is yours to eat," is expressing thanks, albeit in savage fashion. And the means which the savage adopts for securing that communion which he seeks to renew regularly with the tribal god is a sacrificial meal, of which the god and his worshippers partake.

Our knowledge of them is derived from the accounts written by British officers who, about the middle of the nineteenth century, were engaged in putting them down. The sacrifices were offered to the Earth Goddess. Tari Pennu or Bera Pennu, and were believed to ensure good crops and immunity from all disease and accidents.

Regardless of the risk of being potted at by other enemy riflemen Bela Moshi, Tari Barl, and Spot Cash crept forward, taking advantage of every available bit of cover. In twenty minutes the Haussas returned, reporting in characteristically native terms that the German's head had been literally riddled with the burst of bullets from the Maxim.

The gular teeth placed there break the shell without spilling the contents, as would be the case if the front teeth were large. The shell is then ejected. Others appear to be harmless, and even edible. Of the latter sort is the large python, metse pallah, or tari. The largest specimens of this are about 15 or 20 feet in length.

Halting his men, Wilmshurst made a careful survey of the ground by means of his binoculars. A number of large birds aasvogels, or African vultures were circling over the derelict. It was therefore safe to conclude that no human being, unless helpless to lift a hand, was in the vicinity. In the midst of his investigations Tari Barl approached with a self-satisfied smile on his ebony features.

The two men selected Tari Barl and No Go lost no time in starting upon their hazardous quest. Armed only with their bayonets the Haussas vanished into the darkness. Another period of tension ensued. The tropical heat of the day gave place to intense cold as the parched earth rapidly radiated its heat.