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When Theriere came to the realization that Barbara Harding was gone he jumped to the natural conclusion that Ward and Simms had discovered the ruse that he had worked upon them just in time to permit them to intercept Miller and Swenson with the girl, and carry her back to the main camp. The others were prone to agree with him, though the mucker grumbled that "it listened fishy."

Sure enough, before Byrne returned with Miller and Swenson, Theriere could bear the snores of the first mate. On the first trip to the cliff top eight men carried heavy burdens, Divine alone remaining to guard Barbara Harding. The second trip was made with equal dispatch and safety. No sound or movement came from the camp of the enemy, other than that of sleeping men.

Rice's apartments were then called up, and Jones said that the checks were all right. But this did not satisfy Mr. Swenson, so he instructed Wallace to call up the apartment again and insist on talking to Mr. Rice. Jones delayed replying to Wallace and in the afternoon called up Patrick on the telephone, inquiring what he should say. Patrick replied that he would have to say that Rice was dead.

"The Retriever is quite a responsibility to entrust to a man we have never seen or heard of before, but the man Swenson can scarcely be as vicious and insubordinate as this fellow Peasley, and under the circumstances we'll have to run the risk." And having wotted the which, Mr. Skinner cabled Christian Swenson to take charge of the Retriever, at master's wages, until the arrival of his successor.

The men had deposited their burdens, and still Theriere stood waiting for the balance of his party Miller and Swenson with Barbara Harding.

The following cablegram received from Matt Peasley knocked into a cocked hat all their high hopes of ridding themselves of the incubus. Cape Town, Feb. 17, 19 . Bluestar, San Francisco. Swenson fired before leaving San Francisco. Second mate Murphy declines take your orders, claiming me superior officer; I decline also, claiming captain en route my superior officer.

If the ranger has been exposed, he must not be left alone." "He ain't alone," declared the sheriff. "Tom 'phoned me that he had an assistant." "Swenson, I suppose," said Redfield, who entered at this moment. "Swenson is his assistant." "I didn't see him myself," Gregg continued, "but I understood the deputy to say that he was an old man." "Swenson is a young man," corrected Redfield.

For a few moments after he mounted his horse Cavanagh looked about the place as if for the last time now up at the hill, now down at the meadow, and last of all at the stream. "I hope you'll enjoy this station as much as I have, Swenson. It's one of the prettiest on the whole forest." The weather was clear and cold.

WHEN Barbara Harding, with Miller before and Swenson behind her, had taken up the march behind the loot-laden party seven dusky, noiseless shadows had emerged from the forest to follow close behind. For half a mile the party moved along the narrow trail unmolested. Theriere had come back to exchange a half-dozen words with the girl and had again moved forward toward the head of the column.

I wish I had a real doctor, but I don't expect any. It is a long hard climb up here for one of those tenderfeet." He returned to his charge, and Swenson walked slowly away, back to the camp, oppressed with the sense of his utter helplessness.