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It's a great old spring we're havin' intirely; it has raison to be proud of itself, begob! There's a nate stack of turf fornint it, and a pitaty pot sets beside the doore, wid the hins and chuckens rachin' over into it like aigles tryin' to swally the smell.

I'll jist be afther givin' the lad a taste." He tied the reins to the seat, gave his bronchos a parting lash, took a flask from his pocket, and got down on his knees beside the sick man. "Here, Scotty," he said coaxingly, "take another taste. It'll put life into ye." The sick man tried to swallow once, twice, choked hard, then shook his head. "Now, God be merciful! an' can't ye swally at all?

"'Very well, my buck, persisted this ferocious bigot, 'may be the day will come when we'll make you remember this traisen, and swally it too. How would you like to get a touch of the wreckers, my buck? an' by Jabers, take care that you're not in for a lick. A lease! d n me but it would be a nice thing to give the like o' you a lease!

Tell the men here what happened." "Sure, they all know it," said Tommy, who had already told the story of poor Scotty's death and of the doctor's efforts to save him. "An' it's a fine bhoy he wuz, poor Scotty, an' niver a groan out av him all the way down, an' not able to swally a taste whin I gave it to him." Craigin sprang toward Tommy in a fury. "Here you blank, blank, blank!

Named him Swally Jones, an' reg'lar 'dopted him soon ez he see how his wing was. Sonny's the only child I ever see in my life thet could take young chimbly-swallers after their fall an' make em' live. But he does it reg'lar. They ain't a week passes sca'cely but he fetches in some hurted critter an' works with it.

Why, alanna, it's nothin' at all you've tuck; sure little Brian there would make a fool of you, so he would, at the atin'. Come, come, a bouchal don't be ashamed, or make any way sthrange at all, but ate hearty." "I declare I have ate heartily, thank you," replied James; "oceans itself, so I did. I couldn't swally a bit more if the house was full."

"It must have been some red spalpeen that took pity on ye. Who knows but it was Lone Wolf himself?" Both looked about them in a scared, inquiring way, but could see nothing of their unknown friend or enemy, as the case might be. "I tell you, Mickey, that it makes me feel as if we ought to get out of here." "Ye're right, and we'll just swally some of this stuff, and then we'll 'light out."

"I was noticin' I didn't see him anywheres this evenin'. What's to become of him down there, and it risin' beyond the heighth of iverythin' as fast as it can flow? Sure, this mornin' 't was wallopin' itself agin' the wall, back of our place, fit to swally all before it." "Why didn't you tell me the child was below?" said Mick.

But, sure, it's the fancy she has, and morebetoken, I think bad of me lettin' the little goat swally the weeny bit she had on her. Ay bedad, I'd a right to be bringin' it to her; and, at all evints, I'd be doin' a foolish thing to come home widout it, and me not gettin' the bit of fat bacon these six weeks next Saturday to make up the price.

"He couldn't swally it," he said to himself in an awed voice, putting the flask to his own lips, "Begorra, an' it's near the Kingdom he must be!" To Tommy it appeared an infallible sign of approaching dissolution that a man should reject the contents of his flask. He gave himself to the business of getting out of the bronchos all the speed they had.