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"You tam lowland scoon'rel!" cries he, and hit me a buffet on the jaw with his closed fist. I paid him as good or better on the return; whereupon he stepped a little back and took off his hat to me decorously. "Enough plows I think," says he. "I will be the offended shentleman, for who effer heard of such suffeeciency as tell a shentlemans that is the king's officer he cannae speak Cot's English?

"You tam lowland scoon'rel!" cries he, and hit me a buffet on the jaw with his closed fist. I paid him as good or better on the return; whereupon he stepped a little back and took off his hat to me decorously. "Enough plows, I think," says he. "I will be the offended shentleman, for who effer heard of such suffeeciency as tell a shentlemans that is the King's officer he canna speak Cot's English?

"You tam lowland scoon'rel!" cries he, and hit me a buffet on the jaw with his closed fist. I paid him as good or better on the return; whereupon he stepped a little back and took off his hat to me decorously. "Enough plows I think," says he. "I will be the offended shentleman, for who effer heard of such suffeeciency as tell a shentlemans that is the king's officer he cannae speak Cot's English?