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We learn of her that she was a 'servant, or, as the margin preferably reads, a 'deaconess of the Church which is at Cenchrea'; and in that capacity, by gentle ministrations and the exhibition of purity and patient love, as well as by the gracious administration of material help, had been a 'succourer of many. There is a whole world of unmentioned kindnesses and a life of self-devotion hidden away under these few words.

Added to all this, McArthur was a good neighbour, a kind friend, a genial companion, and a succourer of those in need of help.

The day is approaching when God will have exalted His Cause and magnified His testimony in the eyes of all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth. Place, in all circumstances, Thy whole trust in Thy Lord, and fix Thy gaze upon Him, and turn away from all them that repudiate His truth. Let God, Thy Lord, be Thy sufficing succourer and helper.

Martin of Tours was at one time the succourer of persons in small-pox, St. Antonius of those suffering under the "hellish fire," and as St. Margaret was the Juno Lucina of puerperal women. The connection which John the Baptist had with the Dancing Mania of the fourteenth century was of a totally different character.

Now the God of peace be with you all! Amen. I NOW commend unto you Phoebe our sister, who is a deaconess of the church which is at Cenchrea: that ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that you assist her in every matter wherein she may have need of you: for she hath also been a succourer of many, and of me myself.

Pancras: the present reality was the Cedars, and Sarah's poor, stuffy little bedroom in the Cedars. Sarah began to cry, weakly. "But what's the matter?" asked Hilda, the strong succourer. "Nothing. Only it's such a relief to me you've come." Hilda deprecated lightly. "I should have come sooner if I'd known. You ought to have sent word before." "No, I couldn't. After all, what is it?

Then, still further, the other designation here of this strong Succourer and Friend is 'the Spirit of truth, by which is designated, not so much His characteristic attribute, as rather the weapon which He wields, or the material with which He works.

I'll keep thee safe from cat and cur, No manner o' harm shall come to thee; Yea, I will be thy succourer, My bosom shall thy cabin be. But lo, behold, the bird is gone; These charmings would not make her yield; The child's left at the bush alone, The bird flies yonder o'er the field. Comparison.

Some hard whacks I did get, but they were nothing to what a strong man could have given in grim earnest. I trust I could have taken a real flogging with as close lips as anybody, but if my kind succourer wanted howls, howls he should have. I yelled and cowered and dodged about, to the roaring delight of Jean and his mate.

She was 'a succourer of many. Her ministry was a ministry of help; and surely such gentle ministry is that which most befits the woman's heart and comes most graciously to the woman's fingers. Phoebe then may well represent to us the ministry of succour in this world of woe and need. There is ever a cry, even in apparently successful lives, for help and a helper.