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Species Organ Ascaris suis Intestines Oesophagostomum dentatum Large intestine Trichocephalus crenatus Large intestine Trichina spiralis Muscles and intestines Strongylus paradoxus Trachea and bronchi Sclerostoma pingencola Renal fat and kidney Species Organ Ascaris inflexa Intestine Spiroptera hamulosa Gizzard Heterakis papillosa Caecum Syngamus trachealis Trachea and bronchi

VERMINOUS BRONCHITIS IN HOGS. The lung worm, Strongylus paradoxus, is a common parasite of young hogs. When the infection is light, the worms are found mostly in the bronchial tubes of the margin and apex of the lung. Infection with this parasite does not depend on the humidity of the soil, or low, wet pastures containing ponds.

The cause, however, is easily removed by administering doses of sulphate of iron, one-half drachm each, in molasses once or twice a day. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes is often caused by worms of the strongylus species. Upon examination after death, the bronchial passages are completely blocked-up by these hangers-on. Symptoms.

So was it here; for a Strongylus, attracted by the odour, alighted on the fungus as I carried it in my hand. We here see in two distant countries a similar relation between plants and insects of the same families, though the species of both are different.

It is usually found lying down and shows labored breathing that is occasionally interrupted by paroxysmal coughing. The death rate in poorly-cared-for herds is heavy. VERMINOUS BRONCHITIS AND PNEUMONIA OF SHEEP. The two lung worms of sheep are the Strongylus filaria and Strongylus rufescens. The S. filaria is thread-like and the S. refuscens hair-like in appearance.

It is best to dose them in the morning after they have been off feed for ten or twelve hours. VERMINOUS BRONCHITIS IN CALVES. The lung worms of cattle, Strongylus micrurus and Strongylus pulmonaris, may cause heavy losses in calves and yearlings. Older cattle may harbor these parasites, but they do not seem to be inconvenienced by them. The S. pulmonaris is smaller.

The life history of that parasite is not well known, but it may easily develop that the cycle of its maximum destructiveness is seven years, and therefore it may be accountable for the seven-year plague among the hares and rabbits of the northern United States and Canada. Possibly Strongylus strigosus is all that stands between Canada and a pest of rabbits like that of Australia.

They were found to be infested by great numbers of a dangerous bloodsucking parasite known as Strongylus strigosus, which produces death by anemia and emaciation. There were hundreds of those parasites in each animal. I assisted in the examination, and was shown by Dr. Blair, under the microscope, that Strongylus puts forth eggs literally by hundreds of thousands!

He perceived a conical body half an inch long protruding from the urethra with each effort of the dog to void his urine, and immediately afterwards returning into the urethra. He crushed it with a pair of forceps, and drew it out. It proved to be a worm resembling a strongylus, four and a half inches long. It was living, and moving about. M. Seon could not ascertain its species.

So was it here; for a Strongylus, attracted by the odour, alighted on the fungus as I carried it in my hand. We here see in two distant countries a similar relation between plants and insects of the same families, though the species of both are different.