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The climax was put to the matter by the sudden rushing up on deck of Mr McCarthy, whom Captain Dinks had told to go below until the morning watch. "Be jabers, cap'en," he exclaimed, "she's druv in her starboard streeks against the rocks, and the wather is pouring in like winking. Faix, it is breaking up she'll be before were out of her, sure!"

at Sun Set the atmespier presented every appearance of wind, Blue & white Streeks Centering at the Sun as She disappeared and the Clouds Situated to the S. W, Guilded in the most butifull manner. Snags and Swift water on the S. S. S. 66° W. 1/2 a me. on S pt. N 60 W 41/2 me. to pt.

Vengeance on the black face o't! mony an honester woman's been set upon it than streeks doon beside ony Whig in the country. I mysell Here John Mucklewrath, who dreaded her entering upon a detail of personal experience, interposed his matrimonial authority.

Mony an honester woman's been set upon it than streeks doon beside ony Whig in the country. I mysell' Here John Mucklewrath, who dreaded her entering upon a detail of personal experience, interposed his matrimonial authority.

I had the best rout Staked out and measured which is 17 miles 3/4 to the river & 1/2 a mile up i.e 181/4 miles portage- from the lower rapid to the 1st Creek is 286 poles, to a Deep run of water, Called Willow Run is 6 miles thence to the river 3 miles above Medison Riv at 3 Island Called White Bear Islands is 11 miles all prarie without wood or water except at the Creek & run which afford a plenty of fine water and a little wood the plain is tolerably leavel except at the river a Small assent & passing a low hill from the Creek a rough & Steep assent for about 1/4 of a mile and Several Gullies & a gradual hill for 11/2 miles the heads of Several gullies which have Short assents & the willow run of a Steep hill on this run grows Purple & red Currents. the red is now ripe the Purple full grown, an emence number of Prarie birds now Setting of two kinds one larger than a Sparrow dark yellow the Center feathers of its tail yellow & the out Sides black Some Streeks about its neck, the other about the Same Size White tail

Vengeance on the black face o't! mony an honester woman's been set upon it than streeks doon beside ony Whig in the country. I mysell Here John Mucklewrath, who dreaded her entering upon a detail of personal experience, interposed his matrimonial authority.

Vengeance on the black face o't! mony an honester woman's been set upon it than streeks doon beside ony Whig in the country. I mysell Here John Mucklewrath, who dreaded her entering upon a detail of personal experience, interposed his matrimonial authority.