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"Because," Abe continued, "we wouldn't consent to nothing of the kind, Mr. Steuermann; the young feller works for us and we would got to do our share." "That part will come later," Steuermann insisted; "and now let's see what is to be done." For more than half an hour Steuermann disclosed to Abe and Morris the result of his lawyers' investigation. "Mr.

The cast was as follows: Isolde, Lilli Lehmann; Brangane, Marianne Brandt; Tristan, Albert Niemann; Kurwenal, Adolf Robinson; Konig Marke, Emil Fischer; Melot, Rudolph von Milde; ein Hirt, Otto Kemlitz; ein Steuermann, Emil Saenger; ein Seemann, Max Alvary. Two circumstances bid us look a little carefully into the instrumental prelude with which Wagner has prefaced his drama.

"Never mind about expense, Mawruss," Abe interrupted. "What does it matter a few hundred dollars, Mawruss, so long as we get this young feller free? In fact, Mr. Steuermann, I am willing we should go half if we could see this here Rabbi and schmier him a thousand dollars he should swear that no one was killed at all." Mr. Steuermann shook his head. "That would be in effect suborning perjury, Mr.

Almost automatically he alighted at the Brooklyn Bridge and boarded a Madison Street Car; and it was not until the jolting, old-fashioned vehicle had nearly reached its eastern terminus that he discerned the house number furnished to him by Steuermann. He hurried to the rear platform and jumped to the street, where he collided violently with a short, bearded person. "Excuse me!"

It was not for long, however; and this time, without any announcement, a thick-set gentleman with carefully trimmed beard and moustache stood in the doorway. "Good afternoon, gentlemen," he said and Abe and Morris literally sprang into the middle of the office floor. "Mr. Steuermann?" Abe gasped, extending his hand. "My name is Mr.

Potash?" the newcomer asked timidly. He was a short, slender man, past middle age, clad in a shabby overcoat, half threadbare, and a soft felt hat of a dingy, weatherbeaten appearance. "Nu!" Abe growled. "What is it now?" "Mr. Potash," the stranger continued, "I called to see you at the request of Mr. Geigermann. My name is Steuermann."

I told him that young feller carries round with him an orchestral score, and right away he says he would come up. For years I seen Mr. Steuermann at the Philharmonics and the Boston Symphonies, Mawruss, and I didn't know who he was at all. I always thought he was something to do with a music-publishing concern." "Steuermann got something to do with a music-publishing concern!" Morris exclaimed.

"A couple million dollars!" Felix said. "Why, I bet yer, if the feller's got a cent he is worth twenty million dollars." Abe drew pale. "Say, lookyhere, why should I talk to Mr. Steuermann?" he besought. "You could do this without me, Mawruss." "Don't be a baby, Abe," Morris retorted. "Felix would stay here with us and " "Not me, boys," Felix said. "I guess you got to excuse me.

"You got a whole lot of manners, Abe, I must say," he commented bitterly. "Whatd'ye mean, manners?" Abe asked. "What did I done?" "Tell a millionaire like Mr. Steuermann he should smoke the cigar after dinner!" Morris replied. "Don't you suppose he's got plenty cigars of his own?"

Munjoy says that, if the father is unable to testify to the identity of the victim it may so complicate matters that more evidence will be necessary and the consulate may drop the affair on account of the expense involved." Morris nodded sadly. "Lawyers could always make expenses, Mr. Steuermann," he said, "for the Russian counsellor and for us also."