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Mere impassivity supplied no real cloak, for Curtis, in his time, had dealt with Chinese mandarins whose countenances betrayed no more expression than a carved ivory mask. "But it was de Courtois who meant to marry Lady Hermione?" persisted Steingall. "That remains to be seen. The person who did marry her signed himself John Delancy Curtis." Instantly the detective turned to Otto Schmidt.

When the door had closed on the three men in a smaller room, Devar was about to say something, but Steingall checked him with a warning hand. Walking to a window, he stood there, with his back turned on his companions, and stared out into the square beneath. Once they fancied they saw him nod his head in a species of signal, but they might have been in error.

And behind her was the clear brain of Steingall, who had camped for days near the Senator in Atlantic City, and had advised the mother how to act for her son. There was a long silence. She ate steadily. "Perhaps you will be good enough to state explicitly why you are here, Mrs. Carshaw," said Meiklejohn at last.

At any rate, their thoughts were soon distracted by the entrance of the stout lawyer. "On some occasions, the fewest words are the most satisfactory," he said, "so I wish to inform you, Mr. Steingall, that Lord Valletort and Count Vassilan intend to sail for Europe by to-morrow's steamer.

When the whole party, consisting of some fifteen persons, had gathered behind the closed door of the hotel's private office, Steingall took the lead in directing the proceedings. "It will help straighten out a tangle if I say exactly what has taken place here to-night that is, to the best of our knowledge," he said. "There is every reason to believe that Mr.

In the letter she gave him some details not all of Carshaw's visit. No woman will ever reveal that she has been discarded by a man whom she boasted was tied to her hat-strings. Carshaw sought the detective bureau, but Steingall was away now, as well as Clancy. "You'll be hearing from one of them" was the enigmatic message he was given.

There are not lacking circumstantial details which warrant that view. I am not saying too much when I tell you that some men, in my shoes, would arrest you forthwith." Curtis looked at Steingall quizzically, and even laughed with a whole-hearted appreciation of the jest. "Lucky for me I have fallen into the hands of a sensible person," he said.

"You know everything," he said, with a dejected shrug. "Either you are a wizard, or Gregor and Rossi are open-mouthed fools." Steingall smiled inscrutably, but Clancy, who had remained strangely quiet, did not relax the close attention he was giving to the Frenchman's least word or action.

"But, dash it all, Steingall, somebody must see that John D. has fair play. He only swerved once, and then for a single stride, while he " "I shall not warn you a second time," and Devar knew that the detective meant what he said, and kept quiet. "May I ask where the police headquarters are situated?" said the Earl in the frostiest tone he could command at the moment.

"He's as vain as a star actor in the movies," he cackled. "Hogs all the camera stuff. Wouldn't give me even a flash when the big scene was put on." Steingall pointed a fat cigar at him. "Do you know what happened to a frog when he tried to emulate a bull?" he said. "I know what happened to a bull one night in East Orange," came the ready retort.