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The Germans were particularly restless that night; kept on squibbing away whilst we were digging, and as it was some time before we had the sap deep enough to be able to stand upright without fear of a puncture in some part of our anatomy, it was altogether most unpleasant. At about an hour before dawn we had got as far as making the emplacement.

I am not in a rage, but contend with you earnestly for the truth. And say what you will or can, though with much more squibbing frumps and taunts than hitherto you have mixed our writing with, Scripture, scripture, we cry still. And it is a bad sign that your cause is naught; when you snap and snarl because I call for scripture. 2.

It showed that a great change had taken place in the nature of the contest between Carthage and Rome, to find these vast powers, which were a few years before grappling each other with such destructive and terrible fury on the Po and at Cannæ, now satisfying their declining animosity with such squibbing as this.

And there is a cabinet minister; well, we know what he is; I have been squibbing him for these two years, and now that I meet him I feel like a snob. Oh! there is an immense deal of superstition left in the world. I am glad they are going to the ladies. I am to be honoured by some conversation with the mistress of the house.

It was very dark, and as we were terribly frightened, we all began to howl most hideously. As to Quidd, he went homewards, as if nothing had happened, and soon made his reappearance, prepared for the usual squibbing and cracking, with his pockets full of squibs and crackers.

"Waal, some, a brace or two o' brants; jest hand me them pincers, Mort. Why? Want to buy?" "No; I want to shoot." "Hey? You! He, he!" "I killed one this morning, Uncle Adam." "Whar'd ye get yer gun?" "Didn't have none." "Hey? Little boys shouldn't tell squibs." "I'm not squibbing; I 'honked' to it from behind some rocks, and then knocked it over with a stone." "Ye did?