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If tire cement was good for fastening the hands on a stop watch, why should it not be good for fastening the sprockets on the propeller shaft of a flying machine? We decided to try it. We heated the shafts and sprockets, melted cement into the threads, and screwed them together again. This trouble was over. The sprockets stayed fast. Just as the machine was ready for test bad weather set in.

"Another quarter of a mile and I would have had a spill and no mistake!" "Same here!" came from Jack. "Oh, isn't this the worst yet!" "What's wrong?" queried the acrobatic youth. "The back wheel is loose, and two of the sprockets of the sprocket-wheel have been filed down, to let the chain slip," answered Pepper. "And my handle-bars are loose and the chain all but filed in two," cried Jack.

"Of course there were times when I just had to keep my poor icy spine from freezing solid." He replaced the film on the sprockets and closed the gate with great care. "The projector is aimed at the wall," Scotty pointed out, "right at the end of the tunnel. How does it get to where people can see it?" "There has to be a way," Rick said.

The sea-birds seemed to pause in their flight to look down on her. The little group of Scotch people that had gathered stood and gazed at her with reverential awe. They made no attempt to put her together. It would have been useless. Her gasoline tubes were twisted and bent, her tank burst, her sprockets broken from their sides, and her steering-gear an utter wreck.

At the same time there was a metallic, clinking sound. "Chain's busted!" exclaimed the lad as he picked himself up out of the dust. "Well, wouldn't that jar you!" and he walked back to where, in the dusk, he could dimly discern his wheel. The chain had come off the two sprockets and was lying to one side.

The drifts make the road very uneven, and the first and best motor overrode its chain; the chain was replaced and the machine proceeded, but just short of the floe was thrust to a steep inclination by a ridge, and the chain again overrode the sprockets; this time by ill fortune Day slipped at the critical moment and without intention jammed the throttle full on.

His chin and eye wasn't molded on fighting lines, so I knew he was only a scout. "'Herdin' sheep? he asks me. "'Well, says I, 'to a man of your evident gumptional endowments, I wouldn't have the nerve to state that I am engaged in decorating old bronzes or oiling bicycle sprockets. "'You don't talk or look like a sheep-herder to me, says he.

There's even a hydrometer for testing the batteries." Rick took a look. As Scotty had said, there were two automobile batteries, their cables running up into the projector. "Simple enough," he commented. "Let's see what's on the film." He opened the film gate gingerly and removed the film from the sprockets. Then, without disengaging the spindles, he put the flashlight behind it and bent close.

"You know how a grain elevator works a series of buckets on an endless chain, running over two pulleys, just as a bicycle chain runs over two sprockets? Very well. Up at the top of that tower I extended the hub of the windmill back to form a shaft with big cogs. Down at the bottom of the well there is another corresponding shaft with the same cogs.

The little pictures on the film are still today exactly the same size as those which Edison used for his kinetoscope and the long strips of film are still gauged by four round perforations at the side of each to catch the sprockets which guide the film.