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Long, a denizen of the underworld, a victim of strong drink, cocaine, opium and morphine, ruined in body and soul, was redeemed and freed from these desperate vices, and made a successful soul-winner for Christ. These are a few of that "multitude that no man can number" who have been delivered from the power of sin, and have overcome by faith in Jesus.

But now they all became flaming evangels, and "spake the word of God with boldness." A personal Pentecost will help the soul-winner to overcome timidity, give utterance and a holy boldness, and make effective the words he speaks. It is the supreme need of the Church to-day.

That matchless name gave her victory over sin, and transformed her into a saint and soul-winner for Christ. Maurice Ruben, a successful Jewish merchant of Pittsburgh, rejected Christianity and the Jewish religion as well. He was converted, ostracised, persecuted, thrust into an insane asylum unjustly, and told he must give up Christ or his wife and child. He chose Christ.

He asked them if they would also become His disciples. He was ready to tell his experience to all who were willing to hear it. If he had covered it up at the first, and had not come out at once, he would not have had the privilege of testifying in that way, neither would he have been a winner of souls. This man was going to be a soul-winner.

His kind is that type of professional soul-winner evolved by the system whereby the church pays for the increase of its flock at so much per head, inasmuch as the number of his calls, and the amount of his hire depend upon the number of additions per meeting to the evangelist's credit.

Memory Verse: "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Scripture for Meditation: Acts ii, 1-4; xix, 1-6. But, above all, the soul-winner must have a personal Pentecost. Christ does not send us alone to seek the lost.

John Vassar, than whom there has been no more successful soul-winner for a hundred years, accomplished his work through personal conversation, and declared that the best method of dealing with souls is to strike home at once with the most direct and searching question possible. Without a word of introduction he would say, "Have you experienced that great change called the new birth?"

A soul-winner with small meetings to his credit receives a very modest compensation for his services, and short notices in the church papers. But the big fellows those who have hundreds of souls per meeting, come higher, much higher; also they have more space given them in the papers, which helps them to come higher still.

Here was shown an enthusiasm that leaps over all difficulties and rises above every discouragement the enthusiasm of Pentecost; and every soul-winner must have it.

Memory Verse: "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Scripture for Meditation: Gen. xxxii, 24-30; Luke xi, 1-13. Nothing is more essential to the soul-winner than prayer. Prayer will generate a spiritual atmosphere in the individual life. The prayers of many will generate a spiritual atmosphere in a community.