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Lady Florimel suddenly encountered him on his way home, and was startled by his look. "Where have you been, Malcolm?" she exclaimed. "I hardly ken, my leddy: somewhaur aboot the feet o' Mount Pisgah, I 'm thinkin', if no freely upo' the heid o' 't." "That's not the name of the hill up there!" "Ow na; yon's the Binn." "What have you been about? Looking at things in general, I suppose."

Macgregor's head wagged feebly on the pillow. 'There's a bonny mix-up somewhaur, he said; 'it was Wullie saved ma life. Then, with an effort 'When did ye see her? 'Now understand, Macgregor, there must be no excitement. You must keep calm. I am doing my best to break it gently. H'm, h'm! As a matter of fac', I seen saw your fiancy about ten minutes ago. She is without! 'Wi'oot what?

"It turnt oot, or cam to be said,'at the Englishman 'at fowk believed to hae killt him, was far-awa' sib to the faimily, an' the twa had come thegither afore, somewhaur i' foreign pairts. But that's naither here nor there, nor what for he killed him, or wha's faut was that same: aboot a' that, naething was ever kent for certain.

Gin ye touch that bottle again, faith, I'll brain ye, and sen' ye into the ither warl' withoot that handle at least for Sawtan to catch a grip o' ye by. And there may be a handle somewhaur o' the richt side o' ye for some saft-hertit angel to lay han' upo' and gie ye a lift whaur ye ill deserve to gang, ye thrawn buckie! Efter a' that I hae said to ye! Damn ye!"

I, for my pairt, confess nae obligation but to drap workin, and sit doon wi' clean han's, or as clean as I can weel mak them, to the speeritooal table o' my Lord, whaur I aye try as weel to weir a clean and a cheerfu' face that is, sae far as the sermon will permit and there's aye a pyke o' mate somewhaur intil 't!

Ye see they a' thoucht he was hame wi' a walth ayout figures stowed awa' somewhaur naebody kent whaur. Eh, but he was no a bonny man, an' fowk said he dee'd na a fairstrae deith: hoo that may be, I dinna weel ken: there WAR unco things aboot the affair things 'at winna weel bide speykin' o'. Ae thing's certain, an' that is,'at the place has never thriven sin syne.

"That's mair nor I richtly can say," answered Meg Partan, "but auld farand fouk threepit it was somewhaur 'ithin the swing o' Sawtan's tail." The reply on the factor's lips as he left the house, tended to justify the rude sarcasm. There came a breath of something in the east. It was neither wind nor warmth. It was light before it is light to the eyes of men.

They aye luik as gin they war hearin' 't. For the first time I loot the gloamin come doon upo' me i' this same leebrary, a' at ance I heard the sma' nicher o' a woman's lauch frae somewhaur in or oot o' the warl'. I grew as het's hell, and was oot at the door in a cat-loup. And as sure's death I'll hear't again, gin I bide ae minute langer. Come oot wi' ye."