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A tall stout woman waddled towards her, smiling all over and bidding her a good-day. She helped remove the now superfluous things. "De yoong leddy she come all de vay from Nev York, vhat is a real hot country, I expect," explained Stefan, placidly and inaccurately. "Sit down, leddy, an haf sometings to eat. You needs plenty grub, good an' hot, in dem cold days. Ve sit down now.

"Why, you speak English!" exclaimed Angela, forgetting in her surprise that here was only a very little of China set in the midst of a great deal of America. "I go school one time," said the girl. "Dis times I fo'get sometings. You come Chinese gell. You velly pletty." Angela laughed, and went, guilty but excited. This was too good an adventure to miss.

I respect her fery mooch, put I think she might let us know sometings more apout her discoferies in New York." Scores of other persons harped to the same monotonous tune. But father and daughter submitted to this as to a necessary penalty of their situation, and by degrees the excitement quieted down.

It would take troops twice that long, or more. For you in the States, you can go faster. And, ah! my friend, it iss worth the race, that Oregon. Believe me, it iss full of bugs of new bugs; twelve new species I haf discovered and named. It iss sometings of honor, iss it not?" "What you say interests me very much, sir," I said.

He's got to go down to Lafayette Place for a trunk." Kling looked at his companion, as if to see what effect the talk had had upon him, and broke out into a suffocating chuckle. "Dot's vot it is all day long don't you yonder I go crazy? First it is sideboards and den it is vooden saints. Here you, Bobby! Come inside vunce! I vant to ask you sometings."

Suppose dot I ask you to come into my shop as a clerk, like, and pay you vat I can of course, you are new und it vill take some time, but I can pay sometings vud you come?" O'Day gave an involuntary start and from under his heavy brows there shot a keen, questioning glance. "What would you want me to do?" he asked evenly.

"Yess, after a lifetime; and McLaughlin had brain and heart, too. If England would listen to him, she would learn sometings. He plants, he plows, he bass gardens and mills and houses and herds. Yess, if they let McLaughlin alone, they would haf a civilization on the Columbia, and not a fur-trading post. Then they could oppose your civilization there. That iss what he preaches.

"Und he look at me hard, und his mouth curdle, und den he trow back his head und he laugh, pig laughs, und stamp de feet und say over und over, 'Mein Gott! mein Gott! satisfackshuns ter vurk on somebody's tombstones somebody's. Und she don't laugh at my vurk, nieder, eh? Vell, vell! dat fräulein she tinks sometings!

Ve got to sell sometings, and maybe now ve don't vant dem images. And so I buy dem two and some olt vestments dat my Masie make so good as new, vid patches. Now, vot can I do vid dis ?" Again the door was burst open, shutting off all possibility for conversation. Bobby's voice had now reached the volume of a fog-horn. "What do ye take us fur out here lobsters? Dad and I can't wait all day.

"But tell me, where did you get that leetle thing?" he asked me again presently, taking up in his hand the Indian clasp. "I traded for it among the Crow Indians." "You know what it iss, eh?" "No, except that it is Indian made." He scanned the round disks carefully. "Wait!" he exclaimed. "I show you sometings."