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"Eh! no!" said Martha, sitting up on her heels among her black lead brushes. "Nowt o' th' soart!" "What does that mean?" asked Mary seriously. In India the natives spoke different dialects which only a few people understood, so she was not surprised when Martha used words she did not know. Martha laughed as she had done the first morning. "There now," she said.

If she'd been born a lady she'd ha' been one o' th' foine soart, an' as she'd been born a factory-lass she wur one o' th' foine soart still.

They think I'm blind; but I'm noan: nowt ut t' soart! 'Silence, eavesdropper! cried Catherine; 'none of your insolence before me! Edgar Linton came yesterday by chance, Hindley; and it was I who told him to be off: because I knew you would not like to have met him as you were. 'You lie, Cathy, no doubt, answered her brother, 'and you are a confounded simpleton!

The old servant confirmed this statement, but muttered: 'I'd rayther he'd goan hisseln for t' doctor! I sud ha, taen tent o' t' maister better nor him and he warn't deead when I left, naught o' t' soart! I insisted on the funeral being respectable. Mr. Heathcliff said I might have my own way there too: only, he desired me to remember that the money for the whole affair came out of his pocket.

'There now, was Tommy Shycock, of Ballybaisly, that larned himself to balance a fiddle-stick on his chin; and the young leedies, and especially Miss Kitty Mahony, used to be all around him in the ball-room at Thralee, lookin', wondhrin', and laughin'; and I that had twiste his brains, could not come round it, though I got up every morning for a month at four o'clock, and was obleeged to give over be rason of a soart iv a squint I was gettin' be looking continually at the fiddle-stick.

"I've come to th' eend now surely," he said, and, dropping into her seat, he hid his face. As he sat there a choking lump rose in his throat with a sudden click, and in a minute or so more he was wiping away hot rolling tears with the back of his rough hand. "I'm forsook somehow," he said "aye, I'm forsook. I'm not th' soart o' chap to tak' up wi' th' world.

'Noah, sir, not Aah; Aah nevver seen 'im, sir. What soart o' a mak o' horse was 'e, sir? I looked him full in the face as question and answer passed, and not a shred of intelligence could I detect in his opaque, fish-like eyes.

"What did tha say he'd run away fur?" Tummas said to his parent later. "He's not one o' th' runnin' away soart." "He has probably been called away by business," remarked Captain Palliser, as he rose to go after a few minutes' casual talk with Mrs. Hibblethwaite. "It was a mistake not to leave an address behind him. Your mother is mistaken in saying that he took the mad gentleman with him.

When tests of this kind were going, he could but lie low. However, David's answer, after a bit, suggested an opening to him. 'Yo've a rare deal o' book-larnin for a farmin lad, Davy. If yo wor at a trade now, or a mill-hand, or summat o' that soart, yo'd ha noan so mich time for readin as yo ha now. The boy looked at him askance, with his keen black eyes. His uncle puzzled him.

"Eh! no!" said Martha, sitting up on her heels among her black lead brushes. "Nowt o' th' soart!" "What does that mean?" asked Mary seriously. In India the natives spoke different dialects which only a few people understood, so she was not surprised when Martha used words she did not know. Martha laughed as she had done the first morning. "There now," she said.