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He was one of those big, overgrown, solemn snoozers that sit on the platform at lectures and look wise. Before crawling out he had managed to put on his long, frock-tailed coat and his high silk hat. The rest of him was nothing but pajamas and bunions.

"'She's gone riding, I whisper in my bronc's ear, 'with Birdstone Jack, the hired mule from Sheep Man's Canada. Did you get that, old Leather-and-Gallops? "That bronc of mine wept, in his way. He'd been raised a cow pony and he didn't care for snoozers. "I went back and said to Uncle Emsley: 'Did you say a sheep man? "'I said a sheep man, says Uncle Emsley again.

They're payin' 10 times that in some places." "I tell you, we didn't enlist for the bounty," reiterated Harry. "All the same, you don't want to be robbed o' what's yours. You don't want to be skinned out o' your money by a gang o' snoozers who're gittin' rich off of green boys like you. Where's this Sarjint Klegg and Corpril Elliott that brung you here?" "They've gone to look for the rijimint."

I'm just pestered to death by such fool questions, while the life's being worried out of me by these snoozers with sardine-labels on their shoulders, who strut around and give orders, and don't know enough about railroading to tell a baggage-check from a danger-signal. If they'd only let me alone I'd have all these trains running in and out like shuttles in a loom.

I've heard Uncle Bob laugh at the 'soft-bread snoozers, who never got near enough the front to know the taste of hardtack."

"Your lease expired yesterday; and I had a man at the land office on the minute to take it up. You don't control a foot of grass in Texas. You sheep men have got to git. Your time's up. It's a cattle country, and there ain't any room in it for snoozers. This range you've got your sheep on is mine.

"'She's gone riding, I whisper in my bronc's ear, 'with Birdstone Jack, the hired mule from Sheep Man's Cañada. Did you get that, old Leather-and-Gallops? "That bronc of mine wept, in his way. He'd been raised a cow pony and he didn't care for snoozers. "I went back and said to Uncle Emsley: 'Did you say a sheep man? "'I said a sheep man, says Uncle Emsley again.

Old Whinstane Sandy, our hired man, has presented me with a hand-made swing-box for Poppsy and Pee-Wee, a sort of suspended basket-bed that can be hung up in the porch as soon as my two little snoozers are able to sleep outdoors. Old Whinnie, by the way, was very funny when I showed him the Twins.

I replied, "Pete, Key has sent me for you. I want you to go to headquarters." "What the does Key want with me?" "I don't know, I'm sure; he only said to bring you." "But I haven't had anything to do with them other snoozers you have been a-having trouble with." "I don't know anything about that; you can talk to Key as to that. I only know that we are sent for you."

Wicked performance, I suppose, and so the old ladies tell me. But I was born in the old rum-and-molasses times, Luke, when the liquor thing sort of run itself, and didn't give so many cheap snoozers a job on one side or the other." "What's this Aunt Charette's you're talking about?" asked the chairman. "An institution!" The Duke enjoyed the puzzled stare the little man rolled up at him.