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He inhaled deeply from his brandy snifter before continuing. "As head of the development labs for NAC&M, I was asked to take part as a witness to a demonstration that had been arranged through some of the other officers of the company. It was to take place out on Salt Lake Flats, where " It was to take place out on Salt Lake Flats, where there was no chance of hanky-panky.

I wouldn't give wan snifter o' the say-breezes for all the di'monds in Brazil!" As Barney said this he entered his cottage and flung down his hat with the air of a man who was resolved to stand it no longer. "But why don't you wash on your own account?" cried Martin. "What say you; shall we begin together? We may make our fortune the first week, perhaps!" Barney shook his head.

He has bitten all the children around here, has killed all my chickens, and raised more hell in this village than the whole population put together. I swear, I believe he just enjoys being mean. Come in and have a snifter after that greeting! Did he hurt you?" My would-be host was himself a very striking somebody.

You work so hard, you know, my dears, while I am utterly without an occupation. I don't need much, do I?" "You need a snifter of brandy," announced Joey conclusively. He went off to get it. Ruby rinsed her own tin-cup and poured out some hot coffee. Casey called up a boy and sent off to the performer's cook top for a pitcher of soup, some corned beef and potatoes, ignoring her protests.

Here I am, big enough and old enough and ugly enough to know better, and yet every time the City Of Papeete or the Tropic Bird or the Aorangi come into port and I see the Kanaka boys swabbin' down decks and get a snifter o' that fine smell of the Island trade, my innards wilt down like a mess o' cabbage an' I ain't myself no more until after the fifth drink."

"I suppose you wear a man's size, Transley," he said, pouring out a big drink of brown liquor, despite Transley's deprecating hand. "Linder, how many fingers? Two? Well, we'll throw in the thumb. Y.D? If you please, just a little snifter. All set?" The rancher rose to his feet, and the company followed his example. "Here's ho! and more hay," he said, genially. "Ho!" said Linder.

He turned, snifter in hand, and it was easy to see that his privations had tried him sorely. He was looking like a wolf on the steppes of Russia which has seen its peasant shin up a high tree. "Yes?" he said, rather unpleasantly. "Well, here I am." "Well?" "How do you mean well?" "Make your report." "What report?" "Have you nothing to tell me about Angela?" "Only that she's a blister."

"Yeou might as well try ter raffle off a white elephant." "Pshaw! of course not. But a fine fiddle like that a real Cremona will bring a pretty penny in the city. There, Walky, roll that barrel right into this corner behind the bar. I'll have to put a spigot in it soon. Might's well do it now. 'Tis the real Simon-pure article, Walky. Have a snifter?" "On the haouse?" queried Walky, briskly.

This opinion, which is remarkable for its perspicuity and soundness, is to be found in the one hundred and second folio of Logerhedius, tome six hundred, page 9768. "There is another case bearing strongly upon the present one, in 'Snifter and Snivell's Reports, vol. 86, page 1480, in which an old woman, who was too poor to purchase a Bible, stole one, and was prosecuted for the theft.

You've brought out the truth about that lost coin collection; you've saved Hopewell Drugg from becoming a regular reprobate at least, so says his mother-in-law; you've converted Walky Dexter from his habit of taking a 'snifter' " "Oh, no!" laughed Janice. "Josephus converted Walky."