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He has obeyed the strongest instinct of his nature, and gone up to make love in the highest fresh water that he can reach. The smoke of the smudge-fire is sharp and tearful, but a man can learn to endure a good deal of it when he can look through its rings at such scenes as these. There are times and seasons when the angler has no need of any of the three fires of which we have been talking.

Judgment must be given, and, as it was an affair of man and woman, the council of the old men was called this that warm judgment might not be given by the young men, who were warm of heart. The old men sat in a circle about the smudge-fire. Their faces were lean and wrinkled, and they gasped and panted for air. The smoke was not good for them.

Freckles put away his book, dampened the smudge-fire, without which the mosquitoes made the swamp almost unbearable, took his cudgel and lunch, and went to the line. He sat on a log, ate at dinner-time and drank his last drop of water. The heat of June was growing intense.

"Magnolia ahoy!" cried Paul, and the young moving picture operator joined in with his powerful voice. There was no answer for a moment, and all about in the black woods was silence. Off on shore glowed the faint sparks of the smudge-fire. "They didn't hear you," said Alice, softly.

Finally these sounds ceased, and once more there was silence and darkness, illuminated only by the lantern and the faint glow of the smudge-fire. "Do you really think it's gone?" asked Ruth faintly, as she nestled closer to her sister and Mrs. Maguire. "I hope so," ventured Alice. "I guess we've heard the last of it," Russ assured them. "But don't worry.

The guide, without a word, laid down his load, but not his clothes, and with a swift rush sprang far out into the lake, swam up and down, splashing, shouting and laughing, came dripping to shore, lit his smudge-fire, lay down in a sunny place, snored an hour, awoke dry and vigorous, and with a whoop he and Waisonbekton dashed into the woods to go back for their share of the luggage left behind.

"In fact, a smudge is about the only kind of a fire I could make, as everything is so damp." This proved to be the case. But a heavy smoke was soon floating over the boat, and this did seem to keep away the pests. "What had we better do?" asked Russ of Paul, as they piled more damp fuel on the smudge-fire. "Well, we'll have to stand watch and watch, of course. And we will have the gun ready.

If you are wise, you will always make your fire before you light it. Time is never saved by doing a thing badly. In the making of fires there is as much difference as in the building of houses. Everything depends upon the purpose that you have in view. There is the camp-fire, and the cooking-fire, and the smudge-fire, and the little friendship-fire, not to speak of other minor varieties.

An absurdly small man was clinging desperately to the saddle of an absurdly large horse, which was rearing and plunging in a wild effort to shed its rider and bolt from the neighborhood of the overturned smudge-fire bucket. What a wealth of terror reigned. The gray-headed little man's face matched the hue of his hair. His short arms were grabbing frantically at his horse's neck.