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And the two long bright blades flashed round and round their heads, redder and redder every time they swung aloft.... The old men never even checked their steady walk, and knocking at the gate, went in, leaving more than one lifeless corpse at the entrance. 'We have put the coal in the thatch, now, with a vengeance, said Smid, as they wiped their swords inside. 'We have.

'Holloa! roared Smid the armourer, as he scrambled on to the steps of the slip; 'you are not going to run away without bidding us good-bye? 'Stop with me, boy! said old Wulf. 'I saved you; and you are my man. Philammon turned and hesitated. 'I am a monk, and God's man. 'You can be that anywhere. I will make you a warrior.

Agilmund, go with a dozen to the west side of the court there in the kitchen; and wait till you hear my war-cry. Smid and the rest of you, come with me through the stables close to the gate as silent as Hela. And they went down to meet, full on the stairs below, old Miriam.

'Not this time. And sword in hand, the two marched into the heart of the crowd, who gave way before them like a flock of sheep. 'They know their intended shepherds already, said Smid. But at that moment the crowd, seeing them about to enter the house, raised a yell of 'Goths! Heathens! Barbarians! and a rush from behind took place. 'If you will have it, then! said Wulf.

'I have no lady, my young friends, said old Wulf, in good enough Greek, 'and owe you nothing: so I shall keep my money, as you might have kept yours; and as you might, too, old Smid, if you had been as wise as I. 'Don't be stingy, prince, for the honour of the Goths, said Smid, laughing.

Come in, and you shall be as welcome as ever. See what comes of running away from us at first. 'You do not seem to have benefited much by leaving me for the monks, said old Wulf. 'Come in by the inner door. Smid! go and turn those monks out of the gateway.

Had we listened to Prince Wulf four months ago, this had never been. We have been cowards and sluggards, and Odin is angry with his children. Let us swear to be Prince Wulf's men and follow him to-morrow where he will! Wulf grasped his outstretched hand lovingly 'No, Smid, son of Troll! These words are not yours to speak.

Half a sheep or so will do between us, and enough of the strongest to wash it down with. Smid knows my quantity. 'Why in heaven's name are you not coming in? 'That mob will be trying to burst the gates again before two hours are out; and as some one must stand sentry, it may as well be a man who will not have his ears stopped up by wine and women's kisses. The boy will stay with me.

There was an open door in the wall on his right: he rushed through it, into a long range of stables, and into the arms of Wulf and Smid, who were unsaddling and feeding, like true warriors, their own horses. 'Souls of my fathers! shouted Smid, 'here's our young monk come back! What brings you here head over heels in this way, young curly-pate?

'Some rascal bit a piece out of my leg, and I tumbled down, grumbled Smid. 'Well, pay out this fellow for it, then. Bring a chair, slaves! Here, your Highness, sit there and judge. 'Two chairs! said some one; 'the Amal shan't stand before the emperor himself. 'By all means, my dear friends. The Amal and I will act as the two Caesars, with divided empire.