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I couldn't guarantee to patch it up, though. Wait and let me see." He bent over the car, and presently gave the crank a couple of whirls to turn over the engine. Sure enough, there was an immediate response, and the whirring that followed announced that, strange to say, the machine had not been vitally injured in the smashup, though badly damaged with regard to looks.

"I read once of a comp'ny putting two locomotives on one track an' running 'em full-tilt together so's to get a picture of the smashup." "Crazy critters!" muttered Cap'n Joab. "But wait till ye see the fillum actresses," Milt chuckled. "Tell ye what, boys, some of 'em 'll make ye open your eyes!" "Ye better go easy. Milt, 'bout battin' your eyes," advised Amiel Perdue.

"Let us go up front and see how bad it is," returned Dick. "Maybe this will tie us up here for hours." "Oh, I hope not," cried Sam. "I want to get to the college just as soon as possible. I'm dying to know what it's like." "We can be thankful we were not hurt, Sam," said his older brother. "If our engineer hadn't stopped the train as he did we might have had a fearful smashup."

Why, she led the men about like dogs, and great people stood blubbering on her stairs! Now she was in the habit of getting tipsy, and the women round about would make her drink absinthe for the sake of a laugh, after which the street boys would throw stones at her and chase her. In fact, it was a regular smashup; the queen had tumbled into the mud! Nana listened, feeling cold all over.

But we Hold hard, Sam there is another yacht bearing down upon us!" Tom Rover leaped to his feet and so did Dick. Tom was right; another craft, considerably larger than their own, was headed directly for them. "Throw her over to starboard!" sang out, Dick Rover. "And be quick about it or we'll have a smashup sure!" And he leaped to his brother's, assistance, while Tom did the same.

Sa-a-ay, girl, I ain't kickin'. You can't live on your nerves and expect t' keep goin'. Sooner or later you'll be suein' those same nerves for non-support. But, kid, ain't it a shame that I got to go out in a auto smashup, in these days when even a airship exit don't make a splash on the front page!" The nervous brown hand was moving restlessly over the covers.

In Galicia the conditions are reported to be equally appalling, though the smashup has not been as complete, because the Russians have been able to maintain their positions more permanently than they have in the district west and northeast of the Polish capital.

The answer is: No boys!" This verdict brought forth the expected chorus of groans from the young men. "Indeed, you may be glad to get a fellow when you find yourselves in a good and proper smashup," declared Jack, "and I predict a smash-up about every other mile."

Quaint little spot, Bulgaroo; chiefly corrugated iron villas and kangaroo scrub, two hundred-odd miles back from Sidney. I'm due there at the end of next month." "My regards to the Bulgaroovians," says I. "Is this just a whim of yours, or a crazy plan?" says Pinckney. "Both," says Larry. "No. 6 is where I went to do penance when the Earl and I had our grand smashup.

I'm smashed." "All right. Let's call it a smashup," croaked Griffith." Just the same, you don't go out of commission till you've squared accounts. You're not going to leave the Zariba Dam in the air." "Guess I've got enough on paper for you to work out the solution, if it's workable." "And if not?" "I'm all in, I tell you. I'm smashed for good." "No, you're not.