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Then she stayed him, and laughed sweetly in his face, and said: "It is a long while now since the beginning of the June day, and meseems I know thy lack, and the slaking of it lieth somewhat nearer than Hampton under Scaur, which we shall not reach these two days if we go afoot all the way." "My lack?" said he; "I lack nought now, that I may not have when I will."

The water used to slake the quicklime is a liquid, and it may be ice-cold water, but to form hydrate of lime it must assume a solid form, and hence can and does dispense with its heat of liquefaction in the change of state. You all know how hot lime becomes on slaking with water. Of course we have heat of chemical combination here as well as evolution of latent heat.

The contortions of the eviscerated insect, which, with a sudden heave of the loins, hurls the bandit in the air and lets him fall, belly uppermost, without managing to make him release his hold; the green entrails spilt quivering on the ground; the tramping gait of the murderer, drunk with slaughter, slaking his thirst at the springs of a horrible wound: these are the main features of the combat.

But it may be long before the end. That's the worst of it. Come, have a bit." He threw him a leg as he spoke, and the two breakfasted peacefully together on the banks of the shining river, slaking their thirst, after it was finished, at the same pure stream.

It may have been a disadvantage, perhaps, to have been so thirsty; but then only the thirsty soul knows the sweetness of slaking that thirst. After a full hour's silence the last written sheet was laid down, and I found the Maluka watching and smiling. "Enjoyed your trip south, little 'un?" he said, and I came back to the bush with a start, to find the supper dead cold.

Lime made of close-grained stone of the harder sort will be good in structural parts; lime of porous stone, in stucco. After slaking it, mix your mortar, if using pitsand, in the proportions of three parts of sand to one of lime; if using river or sea-sand, mix two parts of sand with one of lime. These will be the right proportions for the composition of the mixture.

Unrest; panting, desperate thirst, deceiving itself as to where it should go; slaking itself 'at the gilded puddles that the beasts would cough at, instead of coming to the water of life! that is the state of man without God. That is nature. That is irreligion.

Naturally he suppressed, perhaps he had even forgotten, the critical amusement and irritation she had often excited in him. He remembered, he spoke only of sympathy, delight, pleasure of his sense, as it were, of slaking some long-felt moral thirst at the well of her fresh feeling. So she had attracted him first, by a certain strangeness and daring by what she said

They dreamed that they were in the bowers of paradise, hearing heavenly music; passing from crystal stream to stream, slaking their thirst at each, and reclining on couches of verdant green.

So they lay close hid till night fell, and then stole down through the sleeping ranks with silent movements, like a couple of Indians on the war-trail, climbed the barricade, and stood at last where Saul lay, with his spear, as the emblem of kingship, stuck upright at his head, and a cruse of water for slaking thirst, if he awoke, beside him.