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'The circumstances, though not generally known, have been published, captain, by a gentleman of reputation, Mr. Edward Forbes Skertchley, of Hong Kong. His paper indeed, in the Journal of a learned association, the Asiatic Society of Bengal, induced me, most unfortunately, to visit Cagayan Sulu, when it was still nominally in the possession of the Spaniards.

The identity of Jones Harvey remains a puzzle to the learned. The classical authority on the Berbalangs is still the paper by Mr. Skertchley in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The evidence of Captain Funkal is rejected as 'marine. Te-iki-pa decided to remain in New York as custodian of the Moas.

The present writer has been assured by a geological expert, Professor Skertchley, who made the first map of the district for the Chinese authorities, that that map was urgently demanded by the German envoy at Pekin about this time. In any case, the mineral wealth of the district undoubtedly influenced the course of events.

My experience was similar to that of Mr. Skertchley, but, for personal reasons, was much more awful and distressing. One of the most beautiful of the island girls, a person of most amiable and winning character, not, alas! of my own faith' Bude's voice broke 'was one of the victims of the Berbalangs. . . . I loved her. He paused, and covered his face with his hands.

Skertchley. Captain Funkal, I have already acquainted you with the facts, and you were kind enough to say that you accepted my statement. 'I did, sir, and I do, answered the captain. 'As for you, he went on, 'Mr.