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Tompkins, who followed the regiment upon the field and rendered prompt assistance to the wounded. Nelson A. Miles, Lieut. Col. comdg. Sixty-first and Sixty-fourth New York Vols." Gen. Meagher's report of the operations of the Irish brigade does not place his men any nearer the enemy than they were when they were relieved by Barlow with the Sixty-first and Sixty-fourth New York. In 1897 Capt.

For a time he continued to capture castles, and to carry out raids across the border, but gradually he was driven back to his mountain strongholds. His followers lost heart. He became a fugitive, and died on the 20th of September, 1415, in the sixty-first year of his age, at the house of one of his married daughters, whether at Scudamore or Mornington is unknown.

In making this march the Sixty-first skirmished over the mountains at Snecker's Gap, driving back a body of cavalry that was observing, if not holding this position. From the ridge of the mountain we had a view that in my judgment could not be equaled in Europe. While the army was at Warrenton the order came removing McClellan and appointing Burnside.

The De Partitione Oratoria Dialogus follows, of which we have already spoken, written when he was an old man, and was in the sixty-first year of his life. It was the year in which he had divorced Terentia, and had been made thoroughly wretched in private and in public affairs.

The Sixty-First Street Cyclone! The kid they couldn't sterilize! The White Hope!" "The White Hope!" echoed Kirk. "Fo-or he's a jolly good fellow " sang Steve. "Be quiet!" said Mrs. Porter from the doorway, and Steve, wheeling round, caught her eye and collapsed like a pricked balloon. Mrs. Porter's Waterloo

To my astonishment and dismay one of our men piped out, "Sixty-first New York." Then came the blustering reply, "Lay down your arms, or I'll blow you all to hell." Instantly we were on our feet, and by the time the orator in the woods had finished speaking his little piece our men had poured in a volley before they were ready for us.

If so, another inroad will have been made by the General Government on the failing powers of the states. The most noteworthy enactment of the sixty-first Congress from a legal point of view, to say nothing of its economic and political significance, was the Corporation Tax Act. That Act, forming §38 of the Tariff Law, provides

It was the beginning of Governmental regulation which has finally culminated in the legislation of the Sixty-first Congress. And it is no little satisfaction to me to say that the fundamental principles of the original Act of 1887 have been retained in all subsequent acts.

Many of the latter, white and black, abandoned the breach and fled under a scourging flank fire of Wise's Brigade." This is confusion worse confounded. It is difficult to find a paragraph containing so many blunders as the report of General Johnson to Colonel Roman. The Sixty-first North Carolina of Hoke's Brigade was not present during the day, except at Sander's charge two hours afterwards.

The evening before, on dress parade, I was named to take charge of a police detail from the Sixty-first, which was to report at brigade headquarters the next morning at five o'clock. I had slept but little during the night. Toward morning I fell into a drowse, and was awakened out of it by the reveille.