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There came to him these words of a poet of whom he used to be fond: In men whom men pronounce as ill, I find so much of goodness still; In men whom men pronounce divine, I find so much of sin and blot; I hesitate to draw the line Between the two, when God has not. When God has not!

My dear Ruth, you don't know how often I sin; I do so wrong, with my few temptations. We are both of us great sinners in the eyes of the Most Holy; let us pray for each other. Don't speak so again, my dear; at least, not to me!" Miss Benson was actually crying.

The chief use of many preachers is to visit the members, and stand at the head of the societies as centres of union. They do not do much good by preaching. God save me from error and sin. Lead me in the way of truth and righteousness. I feel a dreadful contempt for some men's preaching. Save me from going too far.

He was as good as a drum. And, when the hymn was over, he started to testify. "My frens!" he said, "I was once black as der coals in der mined! I was once black as der ink in der ocean of sin! But now thank an' bless the Lord! I am whiter dan der dribben snow!" Tom Hall sat down on the edge of the veranda and leaned his head against a post and cried.

In graphic delineation of the struggles of a conscience convicted of sin towards a hardly won freedom and peace, the alternations of light and darkness, of hope and despair, which chequered its course, its morbid self-torturing questionings of motive and action, this work of the travelling tinker, as a spiritual history, has never been surpassed.

"My boy," he said, laying his hand gently upon Pierre's head for an instant, "God is not far from any of his children. It is they who, through sin, separate themselves from Him! But never mind theology now. Your Mother is waiting for you. I will take you to her." The Twins thought it strange that the Abbe' should himself guide them to their Mother.

But shall the will of heaven stoop to the will of hell? Or the will of Christ to the will of Satan? Or the will of righteousness to the will of sin?

A. Venial sin is a slight offense against the law of God in matters of less importance, or in matters of great importance it is an offense committed without sufficient reflection or full consent of the will. "Slight," that is, a small offense or fault; called "venial," not because it is not a sin, but because God pardons it more willingly or easily than He does a mortal sin.

If you will take offence " "I do take offence. And you know there is One who has given especial warning against offending the little ones." Miss Bowdler walked away in high displeasure let me hope in conviction of sin as well. She did not appear in church for the next two Sundays. Then she came again. But she called very seldom at the Hall after this, and I believe my wife was not sorry.

Are you ready to welcome it, as did our brother who died at this hour one short week ago? His was not the only deathbed I have attended. Some scenes have been so seared into my brain that I can never forget them. A year ago I was called to the bedside of a dying man, old in years and old in sin.