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"The Busy Bee" reported Archie, who was acting as signal-midshipman. The commodore directed her to join company; her boats would be an important addition to the proposed expedition. The three vessels now stood on to the mouth of the river, off which they brought up, for the depth of water on the bar was not sufficient to allow even the Busy Bee to enter.

Tom, who was acting as signal-midshipman, had been for some time examining the shore, when he caught sight of some figures moving along in the distance. Presently, as they approached, he could see that they formed a small body of Cossack cavalry; two of them galloped on ahead, till they got near enough to ascertain the condition of the ship.

Again the mandolin began, and the commander on the lee side of the quarter-deck grinned a grin that was reflected in the face of the signal-midshipman. Not a word of the song was lost, and the voice of the singer was the voice of Judson. "Last week down our alley came a toff, Nice old geyser with a nasty cough, Sees my missus, takes his topper off, Quite in a gentlemanly way "

Let me know what she is immediately. "'A sloop of war, or frigate, my lord," shouted the young signal-midshipman. "'Demand her number. "'The Success, my lord. "'Captain Peard; signal to cut off the flying enemy great odds, though thirty-two small guns to eighty large ones. "'The Success has hove-to athwart-hawse of the Généreux, and is firing her larboard broadside.

She, and several other English and French line-of-battle ships, lay across the entrance of the harbour, effectually preventing any of the enemy's ships from getting out. "The admiral is speaking to us and the Giaour" said Tom, who was acting as signal-midshipman.

Mr Green trembled as he saw the men led away by the master-at-arms, and he came to me: "I do wish, Keene, you would tell me those signs," said he; "can't you be persuaded to part with them? I'll give you any thing that I have which you may like." "Well," said I, "I should like to have that long spy-glass of yours, for it's a very good one; and, as signal-midshipman, will be useful to me."