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I respected that reserve until, three days after the affair, I discovered in a disused stable in my quarters a palanquin of unchastened splendour evidently in past days the litter of a queen. The pole whereby it swung between the shoulders of the bearers was rich with the painted papier-mache of Cashmere. The shoulder-pads were of yellow silk.

I respected that reserve until, three days after the affair, I discovered in a disused stable in my quarters a palanquin of unchastened splendor evidently in past days the litter of a queen. The pole whereby it swung between the shoulders of the bearers was rich with the painted papier-mache of Cashmere. The shoulder-pads were of yellow silk.

If it had known as much as Mills and Jones and Sydney about the "antidote" it would have shouted itself hoarse. Gillam trotted back to his place. His extra-padded head-harness and heavy shoulder-pads had brought him forth unscathed. On the side-line the Erskine coaches talked softly to each other, trying hard to look unconcerned, but nevertheless showing their pleasure.

They agreed, and cutting the thick and spongy sheaths of the banana, used them for shoulder-pads: they also wrapped them round the palkee-poles, to ease their aching clavicles. Some curious long low sheds puzzled me very much, and on examining them they proved to be for the growth of Pawn or Betel-pepper, another indication of the moisture of the climate.

Like the Bahian cadeira-men, they use shoulder-pads, and forked sticks to act as levers when shifting; the bamboo-pole has ivory pegs, to prevent the hammock-clews slipping, and the sensation is somewhat that of being tossed in a blanket. Quitting the creeper-bound sand, we crossed a black and fetid mire, and struck inland to a higher and drier level.

Thick shoulder-pads keep his outside suit from grazing or hurting, and it may be that other pads are about his body. He next goes into an outside suit of India rubber, covered both inside and outside with a tanned twill which is water-proof, and the rubber itself has been treated in a way to make it very hard and lasting.

GRAY'S AIR CURRENTS at MOUNTAIN GORGES, 7s. 6d. A. C. BELT & SON, READING SAFETY WEAR FOR AERONAUTS Fickers! Flickers! Flickers! "He that is down need fear no fall," Fear not! You will fall lightly as down! Hansen's air-kits are down in all respects. Tremendous reductions in prices previous to winter stocking. Pure para kit with cellulose seat and shoulder-pads, weighted to balance.