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Both knew that the question was needless; but Joe answered, gently: "Oh no, of course not." He leaned over and fumbled with one foot as if to fasten a loose shoe-string. "She wouldn't be very likely to ask me." "Well, what about it?" "Only that that Arie Tabor's going." "Indeed!" Eugene paused on the stairs, which he had begun to ascend. "Very interesting."

Oh, dear! there goes my shoe-string untied again, and it trips me up so. I must stop and tie it and see if I am going right. Seems as if I ought to see that old church by this time, yet the trees are just as thick as ever or thicker. Now, old string, I'll knot you so tight you'll bother me no more till I go to bed."

"Say, you take it," she said, "my mother won't care. I'd just as lief wear the shoe-string, honest." "I don't want your blue ribbon," Abby returned, stoutly; "a shoe-string is a good deal better to tie the hair with. I don't want your blue ribbon; I don't want no blue ribbon unless it's mine."

Ruggedo laughed at him. "Where is this famous Queen?" he asked. "She'll be here in a min-ute," said Tik-Tok. "Per-haps she stopped to tie her shoe-string." "Now, see here, Tik-Tok," began the Nome King, in a stern voice, "I've had enough of this nonsense. Your Queen and her officers are all prisoners, having fallen into my power, so perhaps you'll tell me what you mean to do."

It seemed to him that there was a blue veil across his eyes, but he winked it away quickly enough, shook the ache out of his shoulders, put down the shoe-string that he was making out of a squirrel's skin, and stood in front of the shack waiting, with his hat in his hand. He had on a mud-stained corduroy hunting suit and big buckskin leggings, and there was a week's growth of beard on his face.

Bruce a conference soon took place at which I agreed that, since it was my purpose to be a candidate for the Congressional nomination in the Sixth or "shoe-string district," I would not be a candidate for delegate to the National Convention, but that I would support Bruce and Hill as delegates from the State at large, with the understanding that, if at any time Sherman's name should be withdrawn and Grant's nomination were possible, they should support Grant.

But to me the greatest romance in the world is the romance of money making dollar piling on dollar in the vaults of the man who started with a shoe-string, and hope, and nerve. I see him fighting for the first thousand and then I see his pile growing, slowly at first faster faster faster until a motor-car brings him to his office, and men speak his name with awe in the streets."

Leslie's father, a few seals tied together by a shoe-string, a shagreen toothpick case, a tortoise shell magnifying-glass to read with, his eldest son's first copybooks, his second son's ditto, his daughter's ditto, and a lock of his wife's hair arranged in a true lover's knot, framed and glazed.

I warm to a man who hath some gall in his liver." "Ah me!" sighed Alleyne. "Would it not be better if he had some love in his heart?" "I would not say nay to that. By my hilt! I shall never be said to be traitor to the little king. Let a man love the sex. Pasques Dieu! they are made to be loved, les petites, from whimple down to shoe-string!

They had those ready written out and sent one to every O.C. on the list the second they knew." "Well, sir?" "Leave the room, Lal Singh!" The servant, who was screwing up his courage to edge nearer, did as he was told. Kirby stood still, facing the mirror, with both arms behind him. "They're certain to send native Indian troops to Europe," he said. "We're ready, sir! We're ready to a shoe-string!