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'Yer know, Liza, you'd better tike Tom; 'e ain't a bad sort. She was quite patronizing. 'I'm goin' ter tike 'oo I like; an' it ain't nobody's business but mine. 'Arright, Liza, don't get shirty over it; I don't mean no offence. 'What d'yer say it for then? 'Well, I thought as seeing as yer'd gone aht with 'im yesterday thet yer meant ter after all. ''E wanted ter tike me; I didn't arsk 'im.

I called out loudly and angrily, 'Shirty, don't shoot him in the back! "Op'ry Bill was so taken aback by what he supposed to be his own danger that he wheeled around and turned his pistol the other way. Shirty was n't there, but I had him covered when he turned back, red hot at having been deceived. "Did I kill him?

The position is this: A venerable Archdeacon wrote an article on the patriarch Joseph " "And didn't know anything about him," interrupted Mr. Bellingham, "and got tripped up by a specialist who did, and then got shirty " "Nothing of the kind," said Miss Bellingham. "He knew as much as venerable archdeacons ought to know; but the expert knew more.

"And a very good security too, if he does justice to his relations." "Yes; but how did I know whether he was going to do justice? Come, Joe, don't be shirty with an old friend." There was a cordiality in the solicitor's manner which boded well. Joe was pretty certain that Mr. Chalker was not a man to cultivate friendship unless something was to be got out of it.

'Well, yer needn't look as if I was goin' ter eat yer up, 'cause I ain't, he said. ''Oo are you? I'm not afeard of yer. 'Wot are yer so bloomin' red abaht? he asked pointedly. 'Well, I'm 'ot. 'You ain't shirty 'cause I kissed yer last night? 'I'm not shirty; but it was pretty cool, considerin' like as I didn't know yer. 'Well, you run into my arms.

There's no need to get shirty with these fellows. As a matter of fact, I don't think that I should have dared to receive it without making some special preparations. I can get some plain clothes men here upon whom I can rely, at nine o'clock." They strolled back into the hall. "Tell me," Laverick asked, "do you know who the man was who forged my name to the order a few hours ago?" Bellamy nodded.

True, I had forced him to climb down, quelling him, as described, with the quiet strength of my personality, but I was still a trifle shirty at his having brought the thing up at all. It seemed to me that what Jeeves wanted was the iron hand. "And what is he doing about it?" I inquired stiffly. "He's been giving the position of affairs a lot of thought." "He has, has he?"

'James and me are going to stand the racket it won't hurt you either in credit or in pocket, and I don't see what you've got to be shirty about. It wasn't exactly what you might call a legirrimate transaction, but there are lots of things in business that are not legirrimate. See 'em done every day see 'em done by respec'able people.

"Are you going to see her?" asked Vanderlyn, "because if so I think I had better be getting back to my place. You see, I've rather neglected my work to-day." Something in the other's tone impressed Pargeter disagreeably. "I say, don't be shirty!" he exclaimed, "I know you've had a lot of bother, and I'm awfully grateful to you, and so will Peggy be when she knows.

"Oh, he will, will he?" retorted O'Brien, nevertheless, coming to the instant decision that he had best find some other excuse than mere disinclination. "If he gets too shirty I'll tell him the case came in here without any preparation and being in the nature of a private prosecution we've been waiting for you to earn your fee. How'll you like that, eh?" Mr. Asche became discolored.