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But at last she called out, "Ciao, Annunziata. Are you dreaming dreams and seeing visions?" Annunziata started and looked up. "Sh-h!" she whispered, with an admonitory gesture. She stole a wary glance roundabout, and then spoke as one fearful of being overheard. "I was listening to the music of Divopan," she said. Maria Dolores, who had come closer, appeared at a loss.

"And we'll probably skin our whole mortal frames doing it." "Sh!" said Katherine. "There's no time to crawl down. We've got to hurry. Go half way down and jump the rest of the way. It's all soft sand underneath." "We'll be killed," said Gladys. "Nonsense!" said Katherine scornfully. "Didn't I say it was all soft sand underneath? Sh! I'll go first Sh-h!"

"And let those higher up escape while their tools take all the blame?" he answered. "Sh-h." The men who had come into the compartment looked about as if expecting to see some one. "Two of them came down," a gruff voice said. "Where are they?"

When he complained and resisted, she was quietly firm with him, and said in a low voice: "No-no, that won't do; you mustn't talk, and you mustn't retch and gag that way, either you'll wake up your poor brother." "Well, what of it, Aunt Betsy, he " "'Sh-h! Don't make a noise dear. You mustn't forget that your poor brother is sick and " "Sick, is he? Well, I wish I " "'Sh-h-h!

"Sh-h!" said Katherine again. "There's a lady here who's very sick," continued Katherine in a low, grave voice. "She was getting drowned in the lake and Slim and I brought her in in the launch and revived her, and now she's in our tent asleep." A murmur of excitement rose up from the crowd, which Katherine stilled with uplifted hand. "Oh, the poor thing!" said Gladys in a whisper.

In the shadow of the palm Payne and Higgins began to retreat guiltily. "No use your sticking round, Payne," whispered the engineer. "You're too late; she's took. You heard what she said." "Sh-h!" "I love you," repeated the girl with the same ecstatic tone and pose. "Ah! How I love you!"

Henriette quickly reentered, and slammed and locked the door on the future Dictator of France. 'Twas only a little door slam, but it re-echoed later, even at the Gates of Death! Rubbing his long nose Robespierre took snuff. "Sh-h, he is still there!" whispered the girl to Danton, with another look through keyhole. Presently steps were heard going downstairs.

To which the younger man replied, serenely and happily, "It's fixed." "What's fixed?" "The race. It' s all arranged framed." "Who framed it? How? When?" "Sh-h! I did. Yesterday; by stealth; I fixed it." "You win from 'Whiz' Long, and you can't run under fifteen?" Wally nodded. "I told him that it's all right." "You told him?" Glass staggered. "It's all right? Say!

The man caught up Sebastian by the arm and jumped on to the tail-board of the cart. And thus enveloped in a cloud of dust, surrounded by the laughter of fun-loving men and youths the boy came into Erfurt, to the great festival of all the Bachs. "Sh-h! It is Heinrich! Listen to him to Heinrich!"

Oh, how can anybody be so stingy!" "Sh-sh, sh-h, Serena. Don't speak so of the dead. Why, we ought to be mournin' for her, really, instead of rejoicing over what she left us. It ain't right to talk so. I'm ashamed of myself or I ought to be. But, you see, I thought sure the letter was from those hat folks's lawyers, sayin' they'd started suit.