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This excellent gentleman here seems sadly in need of a bed, where he must stay for some time. But since I have won every sesterce he owns I must needs pay for his board. Take good care of him, and here are six philippi which are yours on condition that you keep him quiet until to-morrow at this time, and suffer no one coming from Rome to see him, or send him a message.

Gabinius now rose, glanced at the various objects lying on the table and said in a much shorter and more business-like tone than before: "For all these things I can give you wait a minute twenty-seventy-four hundred four hundred and fifty I can give you six hundred and fifty drachmae, not a sesterce more!" "You are joking," cried Keraunus. "Not a sesterce more," answered the other coldly.

Agias felt that it was no time for expostulation. A Vestal Virgin take refuge on a pirate ship! But it was a matter of life and death now, and there was no time for forming another plan. Once let the mob overtake them, and the lives of all three were not worth a sesterce. Agias found it necessary to keep himself collected while he ran, or he would lose the way in the maze of streets.

In the next, he says how a certain house which Atticus had intended to purchase had been secured by Fonteius for 130,000 sesterces something over £1000, taking the sesterce at 2 d. This no doubt was part of the plunder which Fonteius had taken from the Gauls. Quintus is getting on better with his wife.

"If you don't," I pursued, emboldened, "perhaps you'll be willing to explain how it can be that your king holds you and your band in such high esteem, whereas, to all appearances, you have not acquired a sesterce- worth of loot since long before I reached this neighborhood; in fact, as far as I can hear, have not succeeded in robbing anyone since you located your camp here?"

All governors were required, on relinquishing office, to make a double return of their accounts, one to remain for inspection among the archives of the province, and one to be sent to Rome; and where peculation or injustice could be proved, the offender's estate was made answerable to the last sesterce.

Claudia broke out with loud ejaculations to the effect that Drusus, she always knew, was a generous, affectionate fellow, and she loved him dearly. Cornelia, however, looked disturbed, and presently exclaimed: "It isn't right, Quintus, that I should come into your house with not a sesterce in my own name, as if you had married some low farmer's daughter." "Phy! pish!" replied Drusus.

"Did you hear what the stout man was saying about Verus?" "The lictor wanted to take him up, but nothing is to be done with them by violence. If they had to pay only a sesterce for every venomous word, I tell you Pontius, the city would be impoverished and our treasury would soon be fuller than that of Gyges at Sardis."

Oh! money is the cause of all these vile political changes! Trouble is coming! Sulla's old throat cuttings will be nothing to it! But don't marry Lentulus's niece!" I.e. $2,400,000; a sesterce was about 4 cents. "Well," said Drusus, when the business was done, and he turned to go, "I want Cornelia, not her dowry." "Strange fellow," muttered Flaccus, while Drusus started off in his litter.

Her vast estates she managed herself and she knew to a sesterce the value of every piece of property, the justifiable expenses of maintaining each, and the income each should yield. Self-indulgent as she was and moreover an inveterate gambler, she grew richer every year.