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And now, with your permission, I will return to Royan, where I have my little apartment, as you know." He looked from one to the other, with his melancholy and self-deprecating smile. "Voila," he added; "it remains for me to pay my respects to Madame de Chantonnay. We have travelled far, and I am tired. I shall ask her to excuse me." "And Monsieur de Bourbon comes to Gemosac. That is understood.

Such a trivial dabbling of philanthropy, he further argued, would more likely than not be money thrown into the whirlwind of drugs, liquor, or other exacerbated vice from which a self-deprecating fool more easily annihilated himself.

Monson would have liked to make of me a self-deprecating sort of person such as he was himself, with the result that the other fellow always got the prize and he got left. But I would have none of it. "How are people to know about you, if you don't tell 'em?" I argued.

And now, with your permission, I will return to Royan, where I have my little apartment, as you know." He looked from one to the other, with his melancholy and self-deprecating smile. "Voila" he added; "it remains for me to pay my respects to Madame de Chantonnay. We have travelled far, and I am tired. I shall ask her to excuse me." "And Monsieur de Bourbon comes to Gemosac. That is understood.

It made him flush with shame, and perhaps that was why on his face there was often a curious self-deprecating smile not of modesty, not of charity, but the smile of the man who is looking at a passing show and knows that it is not real.

Elise stood behind, trembling with satisfaction. "Well " Audrey began. But she heard the automobile, and told Elise to run and be ready to open the front door of the flat. "Rather showy, isn't it? Rather daring?" said Miss Ingate, advancing self-consciously and self-deprecating. "Winnie," answered Audrey. "It's a nice question between you and the Queen of Sheba."

"An itinerant Master with a carpet-bag never can carry on a country," said Mr. Spooner. "You ought really to have a gentleman of property in the county," said Lord Chiltern, in a self-deprecating tone. His father's acres lay elsewhere. "It should be someone who has a real stake in the country," replied Mr. Spooner, "whom the farmers can respect.

Had he caught her side-long glances even his slow, self-deprecating mind must have read their admiration. But he kept his eyes fixed on the green water. "You see," he said, "before you came it was different. I didn't know what I was missin', an' so it didn't matter.

She paused, for Blossy was pulling at her sleeve, the real Blossy, warmhearted, generous, self-deprecating. "I think No. 30 is just the coziest little place for one! Do let me take it, Miss Abigail, and give the couple my great big barn of a room." Aunt Nancy eyed her suspiciously. "Yew ain't a-gwine ter make a fool o' yerself, an' jump over the broomstick ag'in?"

There is no harm, but good, in examining ourselves; it is all right to put hard and searching questions to our hearts as to our standing with God. But when doubts lead to such an examination, the result is usually disastrous. Doubting gets to be a bad habit; one very hard to break. It is a sort of self-depreciating, self-deprecating, self-condemning habit.