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Her mother came very near following her father into the great beyond, but survived the shock to live beneath Athol Seldon's hospitable roof until Mary was eleven years of age, then quietly went to sleep, leaving Mary to her uncle's care.

Andrew Seldon's bath greatly refreshed him, and he ate his breakfast quietly, after which he said: "We'll not go gold-hunting to-day, pard, for I have something to tell you." "I feel that you have seen some one in the Grand Cañon." "You are right. I have." "Are they here to stay?" "Yes, they think so." "Who are they?"

Seldon's house that my sister was visiting. He had been very kind in offering assistance to my father and mother. I remember well the supper given me and several of my comrades when we were coming back from the surrender, and while the Doctor and his family were refugees at Liberty, now Bedford City, Va.

So I dressed him in my uniform, took his traps, and went my way, and he was buried as Wallace Weston. "It was when I was returning to the gold find of Andrew Seldon that I came upon Black-heart Bill's camp, and, finding in him Hugh Mayhew, I killed him. My intention was to take Andrew Seldon's name, dig his gold, and, to ease my conscience, give half to his family.

"And yet Kemp did see Sir Horace that night," said Crewe quietly. "How do you know? What makes you say that?" The inspector was unpleasantly startled by Crewe's contention. "He was able to describe accurately how Sir Horace was dressed for one thing," responded Crewe. "He might have got that from Seldon's evidence," said Inspector Chippenfield thoughtfully.

"Then I shall take all necessary precautions to prevent escape." He stepped aside to the hall door. "You may send two men in here, Ferguson." They entered quietly, glancing about with some curiosity, but taking position on either side of me at Seldon's command. Claire stood beside the table in silence, her glance out the window. Only as we wheeled about to leave the room did her eyes meet mine.

"Yes, for the money I get is worth taking big chances for, Doctor Dick, and, gambler that you are, you never do a better day's work than what sum this gold calls for." "It is a long lane that has no turn, and the turn will come for you some day," said Harding. A light laugh beneath the mask was the answer, and Celeste Seldon's face wore a clouded expression Harding was not slow to observe.

Then Landlord Larry made known that the mysterious disappearance, at the time of Miss Seldon's capture by the road-agents, was a coincidence so strange that it needed explanation.

Then: "As if he knew the terrible need, He stretched away with the utmost speed. Hills rose and fell, but his heart was gay With Woodbine only eight miles away." Three-thirty A. M. had just been struck by the ship's clock near the head of Admiral Seldon's bed, the "seven bells" rousing him slightly.

After Celeste Seldon's indignant response to him he half-turned away, as though to retire in silence, but then reconsidered his determination and said in a low tone full of feeling: "Pardon me, for I did wrong to think for a moment that an angel would look kindly upon a devil.