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"And did the Welsh gain the day so easily?" said Elfric, sorrowfully. "I don't wonder; they were fighting for their lives, and even a rat will fight if you get him into a corner; besides, they had all their best men here." "Do you know where Sebbald fell?" said Elfric, referring to his own ancestor.

The earlier fortunes of the house of Aescendune must here obtrude themselves upon the notice of the reader, in order that he may more easily comprehend the subsequent pages of our veritable history. Sebbald, the remote ancestor of the family, was amongst the earliest Saxon conquerors of Mercia.

The spot was very interesting to Elfric, for here his ancestor Sebbald had fought by the side of the invading king, Cynric, the son of Cerdic, and had fallen "gloriously" on the field. "Look," said Anlaf, the guide, "at that sloping ground which rises to the northwest. In that hollow they placed their archers, and here their javelin men and cavalry were arranged after the old Roman fashion.

"Yes, about our ancestor Sebbald and his glorious death; there was something in that tale worth hearing; it stirred the blood none of your moping saints, that Sebbald."