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"There is nothing so high in art," he says, "but that a scurrile jest can reach at, and often the greater the work the easier it is to turn it into ridicule.

"Is the time so out of joint that Master Anthony Woodville can vent his scurrile japes on the heiress of Salisbury and Warwick in the king's chamber?" "And prate of spelling and reading as if they were the cardinal virtues?" returned his sullen companion.

He passed a group of young Moblots, with flowers wreathed round their gun-barrels. "If," said one of them gaily, "Paris wants bread, it never wants flowers." His companions laughed merrily, and burst out into a scurrile song in ridicule of St. Trochu. Just then an obus fell a few yards before the group.

If I had your permission, I would so deal with this audacious intruder, that he should never venture to repeat his visit." "You know that you speak safely, fellow," rejoined Wyvil, "and you, therefore, give full license to your scurrile tongue. But a time will come when I will chastise your insolence." "No more of this," cried Mrs. Bloundel.

But incest, of course, was horrible. The writers paid by the party antagonistic to the Borgia growth in power therefore slung the more scurrile accusation. But there is, in truth, just about as much foundation for the charge as there is for the other, that Lucretia was a poisoner.

It is well to mention here that, upon the tongues of the scurrile, "Something," as a praise-name and over-name for Mr. Dewing, suffered a sea change to "Surething" Surething Dewing; just as the Admiral Dewey Hotel was less favorably known as "Stagger Inn." Mr.

For had an angel been his discipliner, unless it were for dwelling too much upon Ciceronianisms, and had chastised the reading and not the vanity, it had been plainly partial; first to correct him for grave Cicero, and not for scurrile Plautus, whom he confesses to have been reading not long before; next, to correct him only, and let so many more ancient fathers wax old in those pleasant and florid studies without the lash of such a tutoring apparition; insomuch that Basil teaches how some good use may be made of Margites, a sportful poem, not now extant, writ by Homer; and why not then of Morgante, an Italian romance much to the same purpose?"

And now for my secret, that you may not say I had your liquor for nothing I fancy my song will scarce pass current for much My secret is, Master Cromwell that the bird is flown and your red nose will be as white as your winding-sheet before you can smell out which way." "Pshaw, rascal," answered Cromwell, contemptuously, "keep your scurrile jests for the gibbet foot."

He passed a group of young Moblots, with flowers wreathed round their gun- barrels. "If," said one of them gaily, "Paris wants bread, it never wants flowers." His companions laughed merrily, and burst out into a scurrile song in ridicule of St. Trochu. Just then an obus fell a few yards before the group.

"Is the time so out of joint that Master Anthony Woodville can vent his scurrile japes on the heiress of Salisbury and Warwick in the king's chamber?" "And prate of spelling and reading as if they were the cardinal virtues?" returned his sullen companion.