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Mark my words." "Efore that ey shan see ye burned, ye faggot," cried Jennet, almost fiercely. "Ye'n gotten the fiend's mark o' your sleeve," cried Nance. "Ey see it written i' letters ov blood." "That's where our cat scratted me," replied Jennet, hiding her arm quickly. "Good! very good!" observed Potts, rubbing his hands.

But the girl paid no heed to her tormentor in her joy at finding the child all unhurt. "Theer! yo' bain't so much as scratted, ma precious, is yo'?" she cried. "Rin oot agin, then," and the baby toddled joyfully away. Maggie rose to her feet and stood with face averted.

Shoo were that thrang shee'd sooin getten shut o' all t' wool that Throp could get howd on, an' then shoo axed t' farmers to let t' barns out o' t' village go round t' moors an' bring her t' wool that had getten scratted off t' yowes' backs for ten mile around.

Hester asked indifferently, still staring ahead into the advancing storm, and trembling with cold from head to foot. "Why, sum o' the dippin' stuff got into yan eye, and blinded him. It was my son, gooin afther th' lambs i' the snaw, as found him. He heard summat a voice like a lile child cryin' an he scratted aboot, an dragged th' owd man out.

Scratted a bit, and then it went through the leg of my trousers. Well, I call that a narrow escape." As he muttered to himself he began tugging at the spear-shaft, only about two feet of which stood out above the cloth; and from his cramped position the young private found that, tug as he would, the weapon was too deeply buried in the thick thatch for him to draw it out.

She fair scratted the face off a potman that had brought him a gallon from t' 'Chequers. They say the hussy is his sparrin' partner, as well as his sweetheart, and that his poor wife is just breakin' her heart over it. Hullo, young 'un, what do you want?"

"Nah, nah," said Jennet, pressing the bird gently to her bosom, "neaw one shan see it efore Alizon." "Cum along then," cried Jem, rather testily, and mending his pace, "or we'st be too late fo' t' round. Whoy yo'n scratted yourself," he added, noticing the red spots on her sleeve. "Han ey?" she rejoined, evasively. "Oh now ey rekilect, it wos Tib did it."

Shoo gav me a sup o' poddish for my supper, an' all t' time I were eytin' it I kept thinkin' o' t' fried ham that I'd missed, an' I were fair mad wi' misen. I went to bed, but I couldn't get to sleep nohow. You see, I'd bin plagued wi' mowdiewarps up i' t' 'lotment; they'd scratted up my spring onions an' played Hamlet wi' my curly greens.