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I think the dart must have struck that day, why else did I keep the bit of paper? But it did not trouble me until the first winter of my launching forth as "Harvey Sayler, Attorney and Counselor at Law." She was the daughter of the Episcopal preacher; and, as every one thought well of the prospects of my mother's son, our courtship was undisturbed.

He arrived in time to join my wife and my little daughter Frances and me at breakfast. He was so white and sunken-eyed and his hands were so unsteady that Frances tried in vain to take her solemn, wondering, pitying gaze from his face. As soon as my study door closed behind us, he burst out, striding up and down. "I don't know what to think, Sayler," he cried, "I don't know what to think!

A day or so after I lost the only case of consequence I had had in more than a year, Buck Fessenden came into my office, and, after dosing me liberally with those friendly protestations and assurances which please even when they do not convince, said: "I know you won't give me away, Sayler, and I can't stand it any longer to watch you going on this way.

That wretched game with its counterfeit stakes; and the more a man wins, the poorer he is. She seemed calm enough as she faced me. Indeed, I was not sure when she had first caught sight of me, or whether she had recognized me, until Mrs. Liscombe began to introduce us. "Oh, yes," she then interrupted, "I remember Senator Sayler very well. We used to live in the same town.

There are two names on it two of the four Goodrich men that will cost you blasts of public anger perhaps the renomination." "Is this my friend Harvey Sayler?" he exclaimed, grief and pain in that face which had been used by him for thirty years as the sculptor uses the molding clay. "It is," I answered calmly.

"The business interests refuse to see their peril. And when I, in my zeal, persist, they, several of them, Sayler, have grinned at me and reminded me that the legislature to be elected next fall will choose my successor! As if my own selfish interests were all I have in mind! I am old and feeble, on the verge of the grave. Do you think, Mr.

The inquest was held, and the jury pronounced the double crime murder by persons unknown, but with strong suspicion resting on Andrew Zane and an unknown laborer, who had left Pettit's or Treaty Island, at night, in an open boat with William Zane and Sayler Rainey. A reward was offered for Andrew Zane and the laborer.

Her bosom rose and fell quickly, and her eyes shifted. But that was for an instant only. "If you were as brave as you are bold!" she scoffed. "If I were as brave without you as I should be with you!" I replied. Then: "But you love as a woman loves herself first, the man afterward." "Harvey Sayler denouncing selfishness!" "Do not sneer," I said. "For I love you as a man loves.

A long silence, then: "Sayler, have you heard anything of an attempt to defeat me for the nomination?" "Goodrich has decided to nominate Governor Ridgeway of Illinois," said I. He blanched and had to moisten his dry, wrinkled lips several times before he could speak. "A report of that nature reached me last Thursday," he went on.

He looked at me in genuine astonishment. "It is impossible that the party should refuse me," he said. I was silent. "Be frank with me, Sayler," he exclaimed at last. "Be frank. Be my friend, your own old self." "As frank and as friendly as you have been?" said I, rather to remind myself than to reproach him.