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In a certain place he came to where the Gobaun Saor had set up his forge and planted his anvil, and he saw the Gobaun Saor beating on a shape of iron. "You want to find the Sword of Light," said the Gobaun, his eyes as straight as the line of a sword-blade, "but show me first your will, your mind and your purpose." "How can I do that?" said the King of Ireland's Son.

With the blackened sword in his hands the King of Ireland's Son went out of the Cave, and the horse he had left behind, the Slight Red Steed, was not to be found. Without a steed and with a blackened sword the King of Ireland's Son came to where the Gobaun Saor had set up his forge and planted his anvil.

The King of Ireland's Son knew the horse it was the Slight Red Steed that had carried him and Fedelma from the Enchanter's house and had brought him to the Cave where he had found the Sword of Light. He looked at the conjuror again and he saw he was no other than the Enchanter of the Black Back-Lands. Then it crossed his mind what the Gobaun Saor had said to him.

To-day he is known as the builder of the round towers of the early Christian centuries, and of the square castles of the Anglo-Normans. And the stories I have given of him, called as he now is, "the Goban Saor," show that he has fallen still farther in legend from his high origin.

Then the two youths came swiftly up to them, and the King's Son greeted the middle-aged man, and Flann kissed the hands of the old woman. "What of your search, King's Son?" said the Gobaun Saor. "I have found the Unique Tale, but not what went before nor what comes after it," said the King's Son.

"The Prince who gains the Sword of Light will rule over his father's dominion," Aefa said. "Then one of my sons must get the Sword of Light," Caintigern said. "Tell me where they must go to get knowledge of where it is." "Only the Gobaun Saor knows where the Sword of Light is," said Aefa. "The Gobaun Saor! Can he be seen by men?" said Caintigern. "He can be seen," said Aefa.

So there came a girl to the house one day, and the Goban Saor bade her look round at all that was in the room, and he said 'Do you think a couple could get a living out of this? 'They could not, she said. So he said she wouldn't do, and he sent her away.

"And there is one the Little Sage of the Mountain who can tell what road to go to find the Gobaun Saor." "Then," said Caintigern, "my two sons, Dermott and Downal, will ride out to-morrow to find the Little Sage of the Mountain, and the Gobaun Saor, so that one of them may find the Sword of Light and come to rule over his father's dominion."

"We can't do such an unprincely thing as take service with you," said Downal. "Tell us now where we must go to find the Gobaun Saor." "I think you have made a mistake," said the Little Sage. "I'm an ignorant man, and I can't answer such a question without study." "Ride on, brother," said Downal, "he can tell us nothing."

No water nor sand would clean the Sword, but he left it down before the Gobaun Saor, hoping that he would show him a way to dean it. "The Sword must be bright that will kill the King of the Land of Mist and cut the tress that will awaken the Enchanter's daughter," said the Gobaun Saor. "You have let the Sword be blackened. Carry the blackened Sword with you now."