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By this time they were getting a little weary of traveling by rail. Walter declared he was "saddle-sore" from sitting so much. When long lines of corrals and cattle-pens came in sight, Rhoda told them they were nearing Osaka. "Why, there are miles and miles of those corrals!" cried Bess, in wonder. "You don't mean to say they are all for your father's cattle?" "Oh, no, my dear.

This tobacco can here contains my notice of location that was a steer when I said it wasn't staked. Git down and help yourself!" He assisted his companion, who was slightly saddle-sore, to alight and inspect the monument and then he waited expectantly. "Oh, the mine! The mine!" cried Wunpost gaily. "Come along have you got your sack?

"But he's got my wife." "Ah." And there was a world of understanding in the man's monosyllable. Five minutes later the man-hunter was on the trail again. It was the afternoon of the second day of his quest. He was saddle-sore and weary, but his purpose knew no weakening.

At Centumcellae we ate liberally and enjoyed the inn's excellent wine. Also we set off on strong horses. From there only the danger of getting saddle-sick after our long disuse of horses and the certainty of getting saddle-sore, as we did, restrained us.

We liked to poke fun at the saddle-sore dudes, but all the same the trip is a soul-trying one, and the right to boast to home folks about it is hardly earned. It is really a revelation to study the reaction of the Canyon on various races. On leaving the train a Japanese or Korean immediately seeks out a ranger or goes to the Park Office and secures every bit of information that is to be had.

"My half-brother, sahib he is here for no other purpose he will answer to me for her safety!" "All right, Mahommed Khan, and thank you! Take my second charger, if you care to; he is a little saddle-sore, but your light weight " "Sahib listen! Between here and Siroeh, where my eldest-born and his three sons live, lie seven leagues.

Accordingly when the State Department offered to make him minister to the Republic of Amapala, Everett gladly deserted the flesh-pots of Europe, and, on mule-back over trails in the living rock, through mountain torrents that had never known the shadow of a bridge, through swamp and jungle, rode sunburnt and saddle-sore into his inheritance.

On and on, a hot day, a beautiful trail, but no water. No little rivulets crossing the path, no icy lakes, no rolling cataracts from the mountains. We were tanned a blackish purple. We were saddle-sore. One of the guides had a bottle of liniment for saddle-gall and suggested rubbing it on the saddle. Packs slipped and were tightened. The mountain panorama unrolled slowly to our right.

That camp, the fifth night out, was beside a lake of surface water, where we had our first big camp-fire. September twenty-first and ten miles from Beaver Dam Canyon, where a year before I had planned to meet Haught this day and date at noon! I could make that appointment, saddle-sore and weary as I was, but I doubted we could get the wagons there. The forest ground was soft.

Scipio let his eyes rest on Bill, and, after a moment's hesitation, as though gathering together his still scattered wits, spoke his gratitude. "It was real kind of you lendin' me Gipsy. I set her back in the barn. She's come to no harm. She ain't got saddle-sore, nor nor nothin'. Maybe she's a bit tuckered, but she's none the worse, sure." Bill clicked his tongue, but made no other response.