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Esther had suddenly sat up in bed, bolt-upright, her eyes glazed with terror, one thin hand clapped over her open mouth. "Esther, my dear! What is it?" She continued to gaze transfixed in the direction of the door, unutterable horror written on her face. "S'sh," she whispered tensely. "S'sh listen!" Roger listened, but could hear nothing. The house was absolutely still.

Utterly unable to comprehend any woman's being in this house, she turned the hairpin over wonderingly. Then she noticed that her companion was staring up at the ceiling with a frown on his face. "S'sh," he cautioned, laving a hand on her arm. "I thought I heard..." "Who the hell is that down there? Answer, or I'll shoot!"

"S'sh! here's the Doctor," whispered Chawner hurriedly. "I'll tell you after tea. What am I doing out of my place, sir? Oh, I was only asking Bultitude what was the collect for to-day, sir. Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany? thank you, Bultitude." And he glided back to his seat, leaving Paul in a state of vague uneasiness.

Indignant at the effrontery of the woman who was trying to keep me out of my father's room, I said: "Let me pass, please." "S'sh! He has a temperature, and I don't choose that anybody shall disturb him to-day." "Let me pass," I repeated, and I must have pitched my voice so high that my father heard it.

"S'sh! We mustn't make a noise! Good-night I'm off to bed." He caught hold of her hands, detaining her. "See here, you don't think me a hopeless fool, do you?" "Certainly not; why should I?" "And you don't think now that I was making love to her or anything like that, do you?" "Well, I'm not quite sure! If you keep protesting "

Sulkily he took a step inside the door, then raised his head, listening. A car had come into the drive, was crunching around the gravel to the garage on the far side of the house. "S'sh it's Roger. Close the door quietly." With a quick movement, Thérèse switched off the lamp. "Damned silly, that," he whispered. "Why did you do that?" "No, it is best. Wait they will soon go upstairs."

But, of course, I might have known, it is quite plain, she wants you for herself the old cow! Naturellement!" "S'sh, Thérèse, for God's sake " "Well, isn't it true? What can you do on a ranch? Why does she want you if not for herself? Do you deny it?" "What's the use of denying anything? You'll believe what you want to believe." He sounded cold, indifferent. The woman made an impulsive gesture.