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A silversmith will, for a dollar, make a small hoe, of solid silver, which will last for centuries, and will give a patient more comfort, used for the removal of the accumulated epithelium and fungous growths which constitute the "fur," than many a prescription with a split-footed Rx before it, addressed to the parts out of reach.

Sampson read her sorrowful face after his fashion. "Oh, I see, ma'am," cried he. "Cure is not welcome unless it comes in the form consecrated by cinturies of slaughter. Well, then, give me a sheet." He took the paper and rent it asunder, and wrote this on the larger fragment: Rx Die Mercur. circa x. hor: vespert: eat in musca ad Aulam oppid: Saltet cum xiii canicul: praesertim meo.

Strong black coffee, or tea, should be given as often as possible the oftener the better and iced soda-water should be administered after a heavy meal. Take this prescription and let it be made up Rx Acid. Acet. eight ounces. Sponge down the patient's spine with this fluid until the parts moistened tingle smartly; and let this be done night and morning.

In the train Coolidge had no sooner settled himself than he read Burns's prescription. He had a feeling that it would be different from other prescriptions, and so it proved: Rx Walk five miles every evening. Drink no sort of stimulant, except one cup of coffee at breakfast. Begin to make plans for the cottage. Don't let it turn out a palace.

It read: "Bodley Stevens, M.D. Rx: I bequeath half my estate to my son, Harry, the remainder to my adopted daughter, Pauline, to be held in trust, until her marriage, by my secretary, Raymond Owen." Then followed the signature of the deceased and that of the two witnesses. In vain Owen looked for the handsome bequest to "the faithful secretary."

Also get the following from your chemist Rx Ext. Cinch. Rub. Liq. four ounces and give one teaspoonful in water after each meal. In a week the drinker will cease to desire alcohol, and in a month he will refuse it with disgust. His nerves will resume their healthy action, and, if he has not reached the stage of cirrhosis of the liver, he will become well and clear-headed.

Naturally alarmed, he cried out, "'In the name of God, what make I heere? and upon those words the whole assemblie vanished awaie." Cf. also Ibid. p. 211. "Rx. The fat of yoong children, & seeth it with water in a brazen vessell, reseruing the thickest of that which remaineth boiled in the bottome, which they laie up & keep untill occasion serveth to use it.

After a little more consideration in the same strain, Mr. Gibson went and sat down at the writing-table and wrote the following formula: Master Coxe Rx Verecundiae ounce i Fidelitatis Domesticae ounce i Reticentiae gr iij. M. Capiat hanc dosim ter die in aqua pura. R. GIBSON, Ch. Mr. Gibson smiled a little sadly as he re-read his words. 'Poor Jeanie, he said aloud.

I used the ozone inhalations every four hours, in connection with the internal administration of the following prescription: Rx Iodide of ammonia, 8; Fl. ex. quebracho, 30; Fl. ex. grindelia robusta, 15; Tr. lobelia, 12; Tr. belladonna, 8; Syr. pruni, virg., q.s., ad 120. Sig. Teaspoonful three or more times during twenty-four hours.

Good-night." And he started down the aisle for the door. As he neared the front of the shop, Mr. Mifflin switched on a cluster of lights that hung high up, and the young man found himself beside a large bulletin board covered with clippings, announcements, circulars, and little notices written on cards in a small neat script. The following caught his eye: RX