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Every face, every eye was turned to the Curia, in the evident expectation of something great and strange taking place there. "What is it?" asked Mary, pulling at Rustem's coat.

When Kai-kobád and Alberz mountain strayed, I drew him thence, and gave a warrior's aid; Placed on his brows the long-contested crown, Worn by his sires, by sacred right his own; Strong in the cause, my conquering arms prevailed, Wouldst thou have reign'd had Rustem's valour failed When the White Demon raged in battle-fray, Wouldst thou have lived had Rustem lost the day?"

Then Isfendiyár Dropped Rustem's hand, and spoke, "To-day let wine Inspire our hearts, and on the field to-morrow Be ours the strife, with battle-axe and sword, And my first aim shall be to bind thee fast, And show thee to my troops, Rustem in fetters!" At this the champion smiled, and thus exclaimed, "Where hast thou seen the deeds of warriors brave?

But bring some medicine to relieve his wounds Quick, bring the matchless balm for Rustem's cure; He must not die, the champion must not die!"

The loosened mail unfolds the bracelet bright, Unhappy gift! to Rustem's wildered sight, Prostrate he falls "By my unnatural hand, My son, my son is slain and from the land Uprooted."

The governor's careful wife had not quitted her husband's couch even Rustem's storming had not induced her to leave her post; but when she was informed by the slaves what had been going on, and that Paula was still up-stairs with the leech, she had come to the strangers' rooms as soon as her husband could spare her to speak to Philippus, to represent to Paula what the proprieties required, and to find out what the strange noises could be which still seemed to fill the house at this hour usually as silent as the grave.

The ready herald by the King's command, Convened the Chiefs and Warriors of the land; And soon the banquet social glee restored, And China wine-cups glittered on the board; And cheerful song, and music's magic power, And sparkling wine, beguiled the festive hour. The dulcet draughts o'er Rustem's senses stole, And melting strains absorbed his softened soul.

The survivors running away, Rustem's next object was to follow and secure, by his kamund, the person of Aúlád, and with admirable address and ingenuity, he succeeded in dismounting him and taking him alive. He then bound his hands, and said to him:

The mention of Rustem's name renewed all the deep feelings of resentment and animosity in the mind of Afrásiyáb, who, resolved upon the immediate execution of his purpose, commanded Gersíwaz to bind the youth, and put an end to his life on the gallows tree.

Black frowned the Demon, and through Rustem's heart A wild sensation ran of dire alarm; But, rousing up, his courage was revived, And wielding furiously his beaming sword, He pierced the Demon's thigh, and lopped the limb; Then both together grappled, and the cavern Shook with the contest each, at times, prevailed; The flesh of both was torn, and streaming blood Crimsoned the earth.